Posts from July 2022
Stating the Obvious #1. “You are being watched.”
Long before home computers and social media existed, I met a brother who told me a troubling story about data collection. He had recently been ‘written up’ by the editor of a contentious religious magazine who he had considered to be a friend. He said that he didn’t care about what had been written about him, but he was concerned for others close to him who had been considered ‘guilty by association.’ I later learned that the contentious editor would…
Walk by Faith #12. “They Love You Till They Don’t.”
I know that that sounds like a Country and Western song title, but bear with me. One of the downsides of life is to watch relationships deteriorate. Sometimes it’s because of words or deeds that are not forgiven, or a realization that you really didn’t have much in common anyway. One of the early signs of a failing relationship is the fall in one’s popularity. When somebody likes you, it is not uncommon for them to agree with all you…
Walk by Faith #11. “Prayers not prayed lightly.”
I was standing in a church building in Texas when a brother greeted me quietly, placed a piece of paper in my hand, and walked away. Since other brethren were around me, I put it in my pocket and continued to chat to them. Though this happened more than a few years ago, I still know what he had written down. The note contained these five simple words: “Would you please pray for me?” I do not know what was…

Walk by Faith #10. “Bind us tight.”
“A hymn is a Chorus that got old.” Though this is not technically true of most church songs, there are a few choruses from my youth that graduated from the Chorus Book to the Hymn Book. One in particular was: “Bind us Together, Lord.” It began: “Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together, Lord. With chains that cannot be broken.” When visiting another congregation, I noticed that they sang “…with cords that cannot be broken,” instead of “with chains that…
Walk by Faith #9. “Overcoming Faith Obstacles.”
Your Faith Journey will not be a smooth one. In fact, the closer you get to your Heavenly Destination, the more obstructions you can expect to encounter. From the earliest days of my Christian walk I have been privileged to be among brethren willing to share their struggles. A common theme has been ‘Spiritual Roadblocks’ that have hindered our progress and tested our faith. I have been blessed by these fellow travellers. However, if I am honest, some of those…
Walk by Faith #8. “Jesus is always the answer.”
I am sure that my modest education is to be smiled upon when compared to that of an astrophysicist; but I take no offence. I must admit that I have little idea of what they are talking about on any given day. However, since they do expect that we take them seriously, it is only fair to give space to at least one of their ideas. Maybe you have seen this quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson: “In the beginning, nearly…
Walk by Faith #7. “Who defines ‘Faith’?
Complications set in when a man defines ‘Faith’ beyond the scriptures. Recently, I heard a man present what to many would have been a reasonable explanation of ‘Faith and Works’ from James chapter two. I too may have been convinced of his teachings but for the fact that I knew his definition of ‘Faith’ to be unbiblical. To put it briefly: He believes that ‘Faith’ is a gift from God that is miraculously endowed upon a chosen few – without…
Walk by Faith #6. “The Upward Climb.”
Morally speaking the world slides ever downward. It always has and it always will. Every now and then a generation will fight its way upward when it sees the cesspool below, but the slope on which it slid is still there; and it must be resisted. There are no new sins. The devil has merely taken the old ones and repackaged them. Though the internet has brought a lot of good into our lives, it has also allowed open access…
Walk by Faith #5. “Timothy.”
I weep when I think about my wounded preaching brothers. Most are men who were mighty in word and deed. Their godliness once shone bright in their wisdom, compassion, and sacrifice. I remain eternally grateful for the good they brought to my life and to the church. Only God knows all the facts surrounding their “stepping down from ministry.” It is true that some of them brought their problems upon themselves, but they are in the minority. For the rest,…
Walk by Faith #4. “Stephen.”
Stephen was “a man full of faith” (Acts 6:5), and where did it get him? It got him killed! (Acts 7:57). Loved ones would have gone to bed that night asking why Stephen endured such a violent death. Some would have thought that he had been brainwashed into saying the crazy things that enraged the crowd. Others would have appreciated his convictions but wished that he had just toned it down a bit. A critic from another time accused the…