
Youth events for February 2020
Aiming for Fun and Fellowship Youth and their families are welcome to try or play disc golf at our first youth group event on Saturday, February 15 at Woodhill Disc Golf Park. Throwing frisbees is a traditional Kiwi pastime, usually at a park or beach. But disc golf takes it up a notch and uses skills of accuracy, calculation and technique, aiming for metal baskets. Anyone can play. So come along and meet from midday at the park which is…
Ice Skating For All
On the 13 April 2019 our youth and some Church members, went Ice skating at Avondale Paradice Ice Rink. We also had the Belcher family join us. Today we played tag on the ice and falling multiple times on the ice. Lynda Staiger the wife of our lovely minister organized this amazing event. We left the rink at about 4 o’ clock and by the time we left were out the building we all had sore feet and had the…
Today at our beloved Morning Side Church we hosted a baby shower for 5 adorable newborns. In total was Aria, Harper, Georgia Rose, Savannah Raine and the only boy Kizan Job. Our church today welcomed theses amazing new babies, after our lovely minister John Staiger had a sermon on being a parent. We watched the parents play games while their small children watched with eyes filled with curiosity and joy. Food was supplied by the amazing Christians of our church,…