Sermons on Goals

The Road to Progress

If you:1.Listen to sermons just to affirm your present beliefs, you have come to the wrong place 2.Read the Bible to support you present religious ideas and practices, you have come to the wrong book 3.Believe that listening is something that is best done by the other person, you have come to the wrong Jesus. 4.Seek to insert Jesus’ teachings into the philosophies of this world, then you will never hear what Jesus is actually saying. 5.Are willing to hold…

2020 Questions

Always a good time to pause and think •About the direction of your life in the Kingdom of Christ. •It’s too easy to bump along. •Time to take time. •Where are you going? •Where should you be going? Haggai 1:5 (NASB) 5 Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts, “[a]Consider your ways!