Sermons from September 2019
How to Improve Relationships-Pro 22:24-25
Difficult people in the Bible What would you do with… A Hot-tempered Person Proverbs 22:24-25 (NASB) 24 Do not associate with a man given to anger;Or go with a hot-tempered man,25 Or you will learn his waysAnd [a]find a snare for yourself.
Truly Disciples of Mine-Mark 3:14
Mark 3:14—14And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach,
Blinded by the Light-John 19:2
The curse of Blindness A blind priest couldn’t serve in the temple Unless exceptional, a blind person was a liability A drain on family resources Someone needed to look after them Destined to beg to stay alive John 19:2 (NASB) 2 And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and put a purple robe on Him;
Come now, let us reason together-Isaiah 1:18
God is not silent •The Witnesses speak Isaiah 1:18 (NASB) “Let Us Reason” 18 “Come now, and let us reason together,”Says the Lord,“Though your sins are as scarlet,They will be as white as snow;Though they are red like crimson,They will be like wool.
Reaching out through Hospitality-1Peter 4:9
•What if it’s a failure? •What if I embarrass myself? •What if they don’t like me? •I’m a lousy host! 1 Peter 4:9 (NASB) 9 Be hospitable to one another without complaint.
Father’s do not exasperate your children-Eph 6:4
•Your children will spend your time and money •Your children will wear out your carpet and furniture •Your children will break the unbreakable •Your children will bring out the best and worst in you •Hardest job ever…! Ephesians 6:4 (NASB) 4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Life Choices-Psalm 71:9
As a Christian, I shrink back. The idea of killing someone just because life is hard, painful, undignified, seems wrong; life is precious, no matter what shape it takes. Psalm 71:9 (NASB) 9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age;Do not forsake me when my strength fails.