Posts from 2022
Heart Matters #9. “Peace.”
I have seen those videos online of forklift accidents causing rows of shelves to collapse like dominos. In fact, every forklift operator I have met knows of those videos and have told me of their own near misses. But behind their embarrassed smiles is that resolve to avoid harm. They speak of the enemies of the job – distractions caused by booze, drugs, anger, and incompetence. They do not want to have their names or consciences marred by such things.…
Heart Matters #8. “Worship.”
We do well to stop to bow our heads or fall on our knees in prayer before God; for He is worthy of our worship. But wherever we are, or whatever our posture, it is what fills our heads about God that determines whether we are worshiping before him. In general terms the Lord’s church has referred to “Worship” as the Sunday morning church service of the local congregation. Despite the opinions of some, it is incorrect to assume that…
Heart Matters #7. “Examine Yourself.”
The meanness of some people may leave a bad taste in your mouth for a very long time if you let it. Many a poor soul carries to their grave the evil wrought against them by neighbour and stranger alike. Scripture assures us that Judgement Day will be severe for those who have injured the lives of the innocent. It is in Christ that we rest in God’s justice. As a believer you find yourself “casting all your anxiety on…
Heart Matters #6. “Gratitude.”
I have never questioned my baptism. It was and always will be the greatest day of my life. However, since that day I have continually gained fresh insight into how great a burden of sin Christ has saved me from. Shame should indeed be an appropriate response. But Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice for our sins even removes that guilt and fills our heart with gratitude. Simon the Pharisee was quick to condemn Jesus for not getting rid of the “sinful” women…
Heart Matters #5. “Believe.”
John the Baptiser said that believers are A Dime a Dozen. Admittedly, he didn’t say it that way, but that is what he meant when he told to his Jewish audience: “Do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham” (Luke 3:8). Back in the day it was very common for our friends, and maybe even ourselves, to…
Heart Matters #4. “Repentance.”
Recently, a young man told the story of his sudden transformation from convicted armed robber to good citizen. He said that he was sitting in his jail cell serving a lifetime sentence when news came of his friend’s death; he had been killed during an armed robbery. The young man was shown the last seconds of his friend’s life that were caught on CCTV footage. His friend was spray-painting a security camera as he was shot dead by the police.…
Heart Matters #3. “Giving from the heart.”
Show me someone whom you look up to as a spiritual mentor, and it is guaranteed that they are kind and generous. For as a spiritually discerning soul, it is natural to admire those who share with the needy—they reflect our Saviour most. However, their giving spirit will not be confined to aiding the poor. They will usually be hospitable to a fault and inclined to share the very food off their plates. Are they taken advantage of? Yes, often.…
Heart Matters #2. “Forgive.”
Forgiveness is at the heart of all we stand for. When you were baptised, it was for the forgiveness of your sins. In that watery grave the sinner in you died and you were raised clothed in Christ—sinless! Unwashed, you were condemned. Washed, you were forgiven for eternity. Praise God! We must never look back on our pre-baptism life with anything other than disgust. Mired in our sin we stood guilty before God. But God was gracious toward us and…
Heart Matters #1. “Love.”
The past few decades have been so filled with talk of self-esteem that it has become a normal part of life to equate it with love. Though there have been some who have benefitted from being uplifted and made to see greater potential in themselves, many have instead used it to justify their self-centredness. Remember, the world encourages people to look within themselves to both define and find love, but the Bible does the opposite on both accounts. When asked…
Ready or Not #12. “I am Ready.”
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). Living on in this life or going on to be with the Lord in death, is all gain for us. Yes, to depart and be with Christ is better by far (Philippians 1:23), but to stay is to labour in the hope of mankind—The Church of Christ. However, do not be surprised if you have mixed feelings about suddenly going on to your reward. Knowing that…