Posts from June 2022 (Page 2)

As it has been taught #8. “Falling away.”

All of us can name the name of the last brother or sister we saw walking away from Christ and His Church. Sadly, I can name the last and the first. My heart breaks for them both, and every soul in-between. Some denominations teach that a Christian cannot fall away from Christ. Since the reason that God only chooses specific individuals, and miraculously endows them with faith, it is impossible for these ‘Elect’ to fall away. When asked if they…

As it has been taught #7. “Babies getting wet.”

Agatha Christie’s, “Murder on the Orient Express,” has stood the test of time, and as they say, “It ain’t famous for nothing!” I have read the book and seen the two major motion picture adaptations, but for the life of me, I can find no possible way for the reader and viewer to work out who the killers were before the detective’s final detailed explanation. Christie’s ability to convince her audience that her victim was murdered by, not one, but…

As it has been taught #6. “What you teach matters!”

Once upon a time, we went forth from our pews to have discussions about God. These were discussions centred around Biblical doctrines, and their goal was to clearly understand what God wanted from all people. Those that remembered that the devil was always present at every discussion “did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27). But those who forgot gave in to false teaching and compromise. By the end of the twentieth century “Doctrine”…

As it has been taught #5. “Consider well what you are hearing.”

A preacher friend of mine once said concerning a sermon he was preparing, “I’m not sure that I can preach this without it sounding like a conspiracy theory.” It’s a sad day when Biblical teachings are considered as being the conspiracies of cult leaders. But should we be surprised? After all, Satan has his own preachers! Jesus places upon you and me the “Responsibility of The Listener.” He commanded: “Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure…

As it has been taught #4. “That which must be obvious to all.”

I think that we might agree that, given half the chance, most of us would happily share all our frustrations in detail. But since such outbursts do not make for a pleasant living, we wisely curb our desire to over-share that which aggravates us. Many people bottle up their grievances and save them for an audience that will either cool their tempers or put up with their eruptions. Many a sin is hidden among the moods of the day. Pity…

As it has been taught #3. “The choice is yours…”

On the day I was born, a belief system was chosen for me. The Catholic Church had its good and bad points, and I can say with all honesty that my early-teen departure lacked drama. In fact, some showed tender concern for the abandonment of my childhood faith. However, I knew I was lost, and the kindly concerns of others couldn’t change that; I had to find Jesus by choice! Along the way, I met members of various denominations who…

As it has been taught #2. “According to the pattern.”

Leading up to my baptism, and from that day on, I was taught, and teach also, “The Five Steps of Salvation.” These being: “Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, and Be Baptised.” In fact, to this day, you might find a Power Point slide at the end of one of my sermons outlining these five steps; with a sixth added saying: “Be Faithful until Death.” I never thought it strange when this was called, “The Biblical Pattern of Salvation,” and still don’t.…

As it has been taught #1. “Truth and the devil’s lie.”

The way that some are speaking, you would think that the distortion of truth is a modern phenomenon. They act as if those with whom they disagree have suddenly changed the definition of “Truth” in a way that past generations wouldn’t have dared to do. It is too easy to forget that the first lie in the Garden of Eden was accomplished with one three letter word; Satan simply added, “You surely shall NOT die.” Thus, before the fruit had…

Strong and Courageous #12. “Just being there for each other…”

Life can get very tough. Family, work or health problems can descend upon any of us at any time; sometimes all at once. Often the struggles pass, and we resume our lives on a somewhat predictable trajectory. But sometimes they don’t pass, and it is at these times that our faith is tested beyond usual limits. We do best at these times to reach out to those who trust God. Those we can trust draw us closer to God despite…

Strong and Courageous #11. “There’s no need to fear.”

If you are a Christian who is not sure if you are going to heaven, I have good news for you—you are! It is not for nothing that Paul says, “There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). The apostle John confirms this promise when he adds, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).…