Posts from June 2022 (Page 3)
Strong and Courageous #10. “Our sufficiency is from God.”
Christians thrive in the knowledge that they are destined for a home with God. They are God’s workmanship, who while they wait, are instruments in His hands. Along with all creation believers live and breathe and have their being as God ordains. It is because life and creation are not of themselves that they give glory and thanks to God. However, countless millions of people, though seeing what believers see, refuse to acknowledge that it is of God, and convince…
Strong and Courageous #9. “Such is true evangelism.”
Boredom is a vacuous space that will not remain empty. In its quest for fulfilment, it will draw unto itself anything that might satisfy it. First-century Athens was a magnet for the curious. Luke says, “Now all the Athenians and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new” (Acts 17:21). Paul was on his own in Athens (Acts 17). The sight of all the pagan idols vexed his soul and…
Strong and Courageous #8. “Hope to overcome spiritual paralysis.”
I am not sure which decade gave us the expression, “Freaked Out,” but it perfectly describes Belshazzar’s reaction to the “Handwriting on the wall” (Daniel 5). The impact was terrifying. The blood rushed from his face, fear gripped him, his hip joints went slack, his knees literally knocked together, and he started screaming out for his religious advisers (Daniel 5:6-7). God was executing judgement upon Babylon. He had used them to punish Israel’s idolatry, and now it was Babylon’s turn.…
Strong and Courageous #7. “The Battle is not yours but God’s.”
I wonder if the Holy Spirit had spoken through the prophet Jahaziel before the day he delivered his message to King Jehoshaphat. Though he is not listed among anyone’s Top-100 Bible Quiz names, Jahaziel’s lineage was surprisingly detailed for someone so obscure (2 Chronicles 20:14). We can only guess that a Chronicler who lists a prophet’s father, grandfather, great grandfather, his specific tribe (Levi), and their famous Singer/Psalm writer forbearer, Asaph, wanted to emphasize the godly background of Jahaziel. Jahaziel…

Rocketplay: Play at the Best real money online casino in Australia in August 2024
We’re ready to meet your expectations, as RocketPlay Casino AU’s non-stop platform delivers some of the best gambling experiences on the Australian market in August: Bonuses and promotions that will entice you with their generous offers from the first seconds of your visit – GET UP TO 325% VIP BONUS + 300 FS. Modern game library with 3,900+ titles from 44 proven providers. Available minimum limits for money transactions using classic payment methods and cryptocurrencies. Getting all these privileges is…

Rocketplay: Play at the Best real money online casino in Australia in August 2024
We’re ready to meet your expectations, as RocketPlay Casino AU’s non-stop platform delivers some of the best gambling experiences on the Australian market in August: Bonuses and promotions that will entice you with their generous offers from the first seconds of your visit – GET UP TO 325% VIP BONUS + 300 FS. Modern game library with 3,900+ titles from 44 proven providers. Available minimum limits for money transactions using classic payment methods and cryptocurrencies. Getting all these privileges is…
Strong and Courageous #6. “Lord, save me!”
In Peter’s mind, sinking into the waves of a stormy sea was cause enough to cry out in fear, “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:30). Though Jesus graciously hoisted the dreading drenched disciple from the sea, he did not stop to console him. Instead, he sharply rebuked Peter for his faithlessness. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31). The Twenty-first Century mind would tend to take the sting out of Jesus’ words. Rather, a kinder tone…
Strong and Courageous #5. “In the face of Division.”
Sometimes it is just too obvious when prayer has become a casualty in an unspiritual war. In witnessing this James scolds his readers accursedly: “You want something, but you don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:2). James couldn’t have been stronger in his rebuke of these Christians who, though harbouring hate in their hearts, accused God of…
Strong and Courageous #4. “Beyond human ability.”
All of us can recount times when we have been backward in coming forward with our faith. We may never have outright denied Jesus, but we may have remained silent when we should have spoken. The apostle Peter knew what it was like to lose courage. Even though Jesus had warned him that Satan was going to test his faith as if “sifting wheat” (Luke 22:31-33), he infamously denied him three times. All strength would have drained from his system…
Strong and Courageous #3. “The intelligent Christian.”
In Jesus’ Parable of The Shrewd Manager, he presents a dishonest manager who through deft and cunning sought to secure a financial future for himself beyond his pending dismissal (Luke 16). Not being the kind of man who ‘lets life happen to him,’ he quickly assesses his options: “What shall I do, since my master is taking the management away from me? I am not strong enough to dig; I am ashamed to beg” (Luke 16:3). It is, of course,…