Posts from 2022 (Page 14)
Working together with God #12. “Church Community Standards.”
If we were all able to live on our own little islands with a sign reading, “Visitors by appointment only,” I wonder what life would be like? As appealing as a secluded slice of paradise might sound to the hermits among us, history clearly demonstrates that such isolation is not preferred by most. And even if each of us had a sustainable island, we would still be susceptible to those who steal and kill. However, the reason that humans group…
Working together with God #11. “Who’s in charge?”
I have eight brothers, seven of them being older than I am, with their ages stretching from three years to fifteen years my senior. So, you could say that I am well versed in the art of being treated, usually for better, as a little brother. I had to smile recently when a brother in the Lord, a dozen years older than I, said that he had always seen me as an equal. Though he has always been a tower…
Working together with God #10. “You are not your own.”
A generation from now those 20-year-olds will probably have spouses, children, and vans. While their lives revolve around the needs of their dependents, their hopes of getting back their youthful freedoms will be diminishing by the day. All they have will be invested in the wellbeing of those who will be most unaware of the sacrifices made on their behalf. Such is the way of responsibility—you are not your own! Of course, in Christ we were never our own. Paul…
Working together with God #9. “All agree.”
Strange convictions come forth from strange circumstances. I realise that such a statement can be interpreted as vague but mull it over. Think about the last time your convictions changed on a subject and ask yourself what changes were taking place around you. Given that we are all affected by the people and events that come and go from our lives, we should not be surprised when our convictions are challenged. It is natural for our conscience to be engaged…
Working together with God #8. “Duty of care.”
If you want to do me a favour, just make sure I get to heaven. These are not words that usually come from a preacher; however, I believe them to be wise words for all of us. For if the apostle Paul saw the potential for being “disqualified for the prize,” and that being, “after I have preached to others,” who are we to take things for granted? (1 Corinthians 9:27). It was Jesus himself who spoke of the superhighway…
Working together with God #7. “Rebuke and Encourage.”
Self-examination is useless without humility. In fact, any soul-searching is likely to be shallow and short lived if pride remains resident in our hearts. Therefore, if we are not willing to apply discipline to our shortcomings, then God, being our loving Father, will apply it Himself. It is easy to appreciate brethren who gently coax us in the direction of a better character. But hard seem the blows of brethren who rebuke our foolishness. And lest our injured pride cause…
Working together with God #6. “Blessings? Count me in!”
We have a brother in the Lord in a foreign city who often invites me to come and stay at his home. I laugh and tell him that if I came, he would treat me so well that I would never want to leave. He says, “That would be wonderful, brother. Pease, come and stay for as long as you like.” I would not get to sit idle. For as much as “his castle is my castle,” it is first…
Working together with God #5. “Still working.”
Of all the people you know, who’s names would make it onto a Twenty-first Century Update of Hebrews chapter Eleven? Believe it or not, I wouldn’t expect to see my name. This is not out of a false sense of modesty or fear of things hidden. It is because I know too many great men and women of God whose names would fill those sacred pages many times over. With godly pride we remember the brothers and sisters who have…
Working together with God #4. “United in spirit.”
Healthy congregations are congregations where the ‘greatest’ and the ‘least’ are not only welcome, but are expected to work together as equals. It is in these congregations that God is truly at work. No one is spoken down to, and no one is resented for their perceived advantages. Each is given talents by the Lord, and each is expected to use them according to their ability (Matthew 25:15). The only way to maintain such a unity of spirit, is to…
Working together with God #3. “Faith-crisis: The Toughest of Conditions.”
You cannot treat a Christian caught up in a “Faith-crisis” as if everything is normal. I would like to say that helping someone through a serious faith-crisis is easy, but that would be untrue. I would also like to say that what triggers a faith-crisis is predictable, but that would be untrue too. However, what I can say is that it is easy to miss someone caught in a faith-crisis and hard to help someone work through it. We have…