Posts from 2022 (Page 18)

Affairs of the Heart #8. “Heart of Compassion.”

Being told, “You have the patience of Job,” is to be received for the compliment it is designed to be. But when the Book of Job is discussed, “patience” is not one of the top three points discussed. The first thing noted is usually Job’s suffering, the second, the conversations between God and Satan, and third, his wife telling him to “curse God and die.” In fact, I would hazard a guess that no one really thinks of Job as…

Affairs of the Heart #7. “The Lord Weighs the hearts.”

Cain clung tightly to his right to be angry with his brother. Somewhere between his rejected sacrifice and the field he had justified his homicidal thoughts. His ways may have been right in his own eyes, but they weren’t in God’s, and he knew it. With murder written all over his face, God told him: “If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and…

Affairs of the Heart #6. “Guardian of Peace.”

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). What is this “peace of God” which stands guard over the hearts and minds of those baptised into Christ? Given that it “is so great we cannot understand it,” trying to explain it may be a venture into the realm of the impossible. But I despair not! Scripture never fails to give the believer what is needed for life…

Affairs of the Heart #5. Direction Needed.”

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Kids will tell you that they have seen old movies where paper street maps were being used for directions, and note how inconvenient it must have been. They have no idea! I remember being lost somewhere northwest of Atlanta years ago. It was dark, raining, and getting late. And to make things worse, the font size of the street names in the book were for…

Affairs of the Heart #4. “Pure in Heart.”

A defiled heart cannot and will not see God, and probably doesn’t really have a desire to do so. The apostle Paul doesn’t hold back when he tells Titus: “To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled” (Titus 1:15). We rightly view the libertine as one who embraces sin with a devil-may-care charm. He is not about to hide that which…

Affairs of the Heart #3. “Hearts made clean.”

Those love songs and those breaking-up songs impact the same heart, but for opposite reasons. All parents want the best possible relationships for their children. Experience tells them that when those-head-over-heels feelings land in real life, then they had better get their-feet-firmly-on-the-ground. The heart is easily tricked by us or someone else. The worst-case scenario, of course, is for us to knowingly enter the schemes of the deceptive. What is it about deceit that draws the bored and the reckless…

Affairs of the Heart #2. “In your hearts revere Christ as Lord.”

“The Heart wants what it wants – or else it does not care”― Emily Dickinson. The first part of Emily Dickenson’s quote has been often used as a means of justification; as if to say, “I couldn’t help myself.” Some tell stories ending in fairy-tales, but some in trainwrecks. However, far be it from me to suggest that a good heart shouldn’t want what it wants. Solomon dedicates his Old Testament book, “Song of Solomon,” to the glories of true…

Affairs of the Heart #1. “The heart is self-revealing.”

If you have never heard of Nancy Brophy ‘the author,’ it’s probably because her self-published Romance Novels didn’t sell. But if you have heard of Nancy Brophy ‘the murderess,’ then it is because the murder of her husband reads like a plot from a Romance Novel ‘gone wrong.’ In 2018 Nancy (71) followed her husband (63) to work, shot him twice, and went home to await a $1.5 million insurance pay-out. She would have gotten away with it but for…

The Lord’s Church #12. “A sense of urgency.”

A continual stream of prodigal sons and daughters leave our congregations year after year. Like the father in Jesus’ story, we watch longing for their return. I have often asked the Lord if I have contributed to their obvious lack of fear for the Lord. If I have, I am truly sorry. For those who will listen, I beg: “Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). The first ‘Repentance’ verse…

The Lord’s Church #11. “Freedom.”

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free (Galatians 5:1). What will become of the “Church of the Online Revolution?” We all know members who are still worshipping at home and, praise the Lord, will eventually make their way back to the pews. But concerning are those who haven’t, and those who won’t. Never before have whole churches accepted that “The assembling of the saints” includes those who are remote by choice. Online services have been, and will continue…