Posts from 2022 (Page 35)
Starting Points#1. “That which is.”
If you are a Bible-believing Christian (not that there is any other kind), and you accept that our all-powerful God created everything in six days, you are not alone; I do! My problems with evolutionists are many, but it is their starting point that seems to stall conversations before they even begin. That starting point is a dismissal of any positive references to God or the Bible when discussing the origins of that which is. If the playing field on…
Divine Outlook#12. “Not wishing for any to perish” (2 Peter 3:9).
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, The Gulag Archipelago, is not for the fainthearted. Solzhenitsyn retells his own experience, and the experiences of many others, of the horrific treatment of political prisoners in Starlin’s Soviet Union. Millions of people were arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. However, Solzhenitsyn tried to investigate his own heart to discover anything that might have contributed to the spirit of cruelty that swept the USSR. It’s a rare man who tries to see the enemy within. But it is…
Divine Outlook#11. “The Time Trap.”
I couldn’t recommend more Alec MacKenzie’s book, “The Time Trap.” His common-sense approach to prioritising and organising the things that make up your day is as valuable today as it was when he penned it in 1972. The ‘Top 20 Time Traps’ that block business people and technologists from achieving their goals do not require much adjusting to apply to our Christian walk. I have copied his list here:1. Management by Crisis; 2. Telephone interruptions; 3. Inadequate planning; 4. Attempting…
Divine Outlook#10. “This is my beloved Son; listen to him!” (Mark 9:7).
Madman or Messiah? Neutrality is not an option. Western society, built on a Biblical foundation, is crumbling under the weight of its idols. Along with unbridled consumerism, the religion of “science” presently outweighs the commandments of Christ as society’s supreme authority. Unless revival sweeps our lands, it is safe to say that there is more hope for China and the other nations that actively resist Christ. The West is ambivalent to the Bible’s place in its laws, family values and…
Divine Outlook#9. “I will not fail you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:5).
Broken promises are the scourge of humanity. If every person on earth had honoured their commitments for just one year in the twentieth century, the twenty-first century would be unrecognisable compared to its present state. The knock-on effects would have been phenomenal. Imagine if everyone worked out their differences instead of walking away from marriage, or children. Also, imagine the shock of having businesses and customers paying their bills on time. It would have put a myriad of lawyers and…
Divine Outlook#8. “He will not be back!”
Hardness of heart will kill you. Pharaoh died of a hard heart; as did Judas. And never did anyone experience God’s warnings up-close-and-personal as did these two men. But no matter how many times they were warned to their very faces, they would not listen. The Bible presents them, and many others, as examples of what not to be. But tragically, this does not prevent Christians from following in their footsteps. Christians are the blessed of all humanity. Theirs is…
Divine Outlook#7. “Snatching them out of the fire!”
Heaven’s gates swing on the hinges of grace. Every generation has its list of dead villains sent to hell. Irredeemable souls are so bad that even loved ones would think twice before muttering, “Rest in peace,” out loud. There are others, equally as bad, but still drawing breath, who are instead staunchly defended as being “misunderstood.” Despite the mass graves and the social carnage, their supporters insist that they were God’s messengers of freedom; heroes destined to walk the “streets…
Divine Outlook#6. “Never too late if…”
If you want to read a veritable horror story,…but one that amazingly ends well, read 2 Chronicles 33. King Manasseh was evil to the bone. He not only led Israel into the sinful excesses of the occult, but he was also so vile that he offered his own children in the fires of human sacrifice to his pagan gods. In turn, God’s anger burned against him; God had him dragged into Assyrian captivity with hooks in his face. And it…
Divine Outlook#5. “If God is for us, who is against us?” (Rom.8:31).
Would you like to go to Mars? If you can see yourself enjoying the 8 months journey, then you will be pleased to know that Elon Musk is planning to begin colonising the Red Planet in 2026. In a recent report, I heard that his SpaceX Mars program will eventually launch 15 spacecraft per day. This is indeed a vision to be applauded. What of our vision for the Kingdom of Christ? Is it possible for you and me to…
Divine Outlook#4. “The LORD does whatever he pleases” (Psalm 135:6).
Who’s reading your mail? In the early days of Email, a New Zealand lady was shocked to find out that her Email to a friend in the USA had been blocked by a US government security agency. The department concerned contacted her and informed her that the Email had been flagged because it contained two words that could have suggested a security risk to the then-sitting president. Surprisingly, the security agency openly informed the New Zealand population on TV that…