Posts from 2022 (Page 9)
God is Able #1. “To make you stand firm in your faith.”
If Satan can’t knock us off our feet, he will keep us off our feet. In fact, stand up for Jesus and expect to be put down. This is all part of the battle in which God makes you stand firm in your faith. Yes, and sometimes “struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:9). God had spoken through His prophet. All Judah had to do was turn up to the battlefield and watch God defeat the sons of Ammon,…
Who do you say I am? #12. “Prince of Peace.”
A young man wants justice when he is wronged. But since he is often powerless to do much about that which is inflicted upon him, he either takes his “wrath” out upon others or stores it up for another day. A wise friend will tell that young man that vengeance is the devil’s road map to misery. All bitter old men have this in common: They never did let the Prince of Peace rule in their hearts. Christians long for…
Who do you say I am? #11. “KING OF KINGS.”
Yes, you and your spouse can aspire to British aristocracy. For a mere £2,500 (US$2775.88) you can become “The 10th Lord and Lady of Strettington.” Unfortunately, there appears to be no castle or estate attached, but you are promised that your “Title” will be officially witnessed by a third (independent) lawyer. I would say that the absence of any hereditary requirement puts you in a class beyond access to the Royal Throne (Just saying…). King David’s Kingdom was Jesus’ by…
Who do you say I am? #10. “Leader.”
You will recognise the statement: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”, as being from George Orwell’s novella, Animal Farm. This most famous line is the final statement issued by the Pigs to the other farm animals. It was designed to convince the poor, illiterate farm animals that their rich, educated Pig-leaders were equal, but equality had its levels. In other words, the Pigs are just the same as everyone else, but “even more so.”…
Who do you say I am? #9. “God with us!”
“He robbed from the rich to give the poor,” is that famous saying that turns our imaginations to Robin Hood and his band of merry men. But as much as this justice-seeking-outlaw has delighted the downtrodden for the best part of 700 years, there is no real evidence that he ever actually existed. However, despite being but a character from English Folklore, no one need be concerned that his legendary presence will disappear anytime soon. As much as some have…
Who do you say I am? #8. “Friend.”
Jesus is no ordinary leader. Unlike the self-serving unbeliever, he practiced the virtues he expects his followers to carry out. He commands his disciples to: “Do as I say AND as I do.” We are to live up to a standard of love based on his love for his enemies. Paul says, “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His…
Who do you say I am? #7. “Saviour.”
My mother wanted to honour the glory and romance of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by naming her second son, Antony. It lasted all of a week. Apparently, the local Postmaster of the small Post Office in our small village phoned my father and informed him that his wife had misspelled his son’s name. My father thanked him as he (as the story goes), crammed the missing “h” into the name on the birth certificate. It seemed little consolation to my…
Who do you say I am? #6. “My Lord and my God!”
Reducing Jesus’ status to that of a mere man has one big advantage for those who have chosen to do so—If he is NOT God, they DON’T have to take him seriously! And, if so, that would be correct. For without Jesus’ divine authority his whole ministry falls flat. All his teachings about heaven lose any sense of eternal hope, and all his teachings about hell lose any sense of eternal punishment; So, “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow…
Who do you say I am? #5. “Who is this?”
Given their daily exposure to Jesus’ teaching and miracles, we think it odd that the disciples were slow to understand who Jesus really is. But looking to our own track-record, we discover how many times that we have had questions and doubts – despite having just witnessed great blessings from the Lord – and understand how easy it is to forget! On the occasion that Jesus was asleep in the boat, we can safely assume that that was not the…
Who do you say I am? #4. “Demons Didn’t Doubt.”
I recently heard a Roman Catholic Priest defend the many exorcisms that he claimed to have carried out. His critic suggested that one of the people that he cast a demon out of was not demon possessed but instead suffered mental illness and was prone to seizures. The priest was convinced that his work was essential in this world and concluded by saying: “We are in a spiritual war. When Satan comes to us, we must fight him where he…