Posts from January 2023 (Page 2)

Fools rush in #6. “Feelings attached.”

Every action and reaction come with emotions included. Just because we are Christians, we cannot assume that our inner-feelings are instant and true guides in all situations. Feelings can be manipulated. We tend to think better of those who bless us and think less of those who curse us—we all know that! Instead, with hearts tuned to wanting the best for everyone, we control our emotions until we have all the facts. As bearers of the Image and Light of…

Fools rush in #5. “Too Quick to Speak.”

I have seen a few books called, “I wish I’d said that!” In fact, I read one years ago. It was a series of autobiographical stories told by a preacher whose ministry went back into the early part of the 1900s. His was a light-hearted look at his life as a preacher who took the gospel wherever it was needed. Reading between the lines, it most certainly was a time of great sacrifice for him and his fellow preachers. I…

Fools rush in #4. “Trust me!

I believe it is a sacred honour to be asked to help brethren to reconcile their differences. When things go well, the Lord is praised, and everyone rejoices. But when things do not go well, the Lord seems to be instantly shut out, and no one goes home any happier. On one occasion things went badly and I was made to feel very unwelcome by one of the parties concerned. Though I was invited by all, it became obvious that…

Fools rush in #3. “1000.”

Do you remember the days when church bulletins were mailed out to other congregations? You could find them pinned to noticeboards and considered mines of information from far away places. In the earliest days of my preaching, I was looking at a church newsletter when an old sister stood beside me and said, “Anyone who bothers to read the articles in those things obviously has nothing better to do.” Her message probably was nothing personal, and if it was meant…

Fools rush in #2. “That is your opinion!”

It is no fun when someone dismisses your heartfelt beliefs with, “That is your opinion!” There is no doubt that all our beliefs need to be challenged. Without testing they either sit hidden within us or protected within the confines of a closed group. Many Christians have found themselves disillusioned when unable to cope with the pressure of external scrutiny. Facts do matter. Especially the facts that underpin faith. New Christians especially must be prepared for the new demonic attention…

Fools rush in #1. “Politics.”

I have wondered from time to time what we would do differently at church if our country’s leader attended worship with us. Would we fawn over him/her as I saw some Christians do for a politician who attended a Christian funeral? Or would we be stoically polite?—All the while restraining ourselves from asking why laws are passed encouraging the worst of sins. It is my prayer that all Christians take a giant step away from the affairs of government. The…

Dreams and Schemes #12. “Dreams of Unity—The world can’t miss it!”

The Trinity—The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit—has always worked in perfect unity to secure the souls of man. There is so much we will never understand about God this side of heaven, but what the Holy Spirit has revealed in His Word is enough to bring us into unity with Him and His divine plan. The gift of the Holy Spirit at baptism makes us, individually and collectively, a holy dwelling place where God resides. This was, of…

Dreams and Schemes #11. “Unfulfilled.”

Till Moses’ dying day he blamed his fellow Israelites for not being able to enter the Promised Land. Moses was unique before God. When God communicated with other prophets he spoke in dreams and visions, but with Moses He spoke face to face (Numbers 12:6-8). Moses loved God and Israel with all his being. When God wanted to abandon Israel because of their sins, Moses interceded for them and changed God’s mind. The Psalmist shows the heart of Moses: “Therefore…

Dreams and Schemes #10. “Providence.”

I met Gerry in 1977. He told me that he was a little boy when the worldwide depression began in 1929. He said, “If it wasn’t for the Jewish man who owned the corner shop we may have starved to death. But somehow, he extended credit long enough for us to get through the worst of it. I don’t know how he did it, no one around us had any money.” The appreciation in his heart was as bright that…

Dreams and Schemes #9. “All my own work.”

I appreciated the old days when the preachers would preach about the sinfulness of sin. They left you in no doubt that sin left you in peril of hell fire and that the only cure was repentance in the name of Jesus. With rare exception these sermons started in quiet solemnities and built up into a fever pitch with deliberate sharp movements. Some of those men were impressive in every way. Though I do believe that hell fire and brimstone…