Posts from February 2023 (Page 3)

To the Work #12. “Everything we do is to make you stronger.”

I’m sure that all of us have certain people who come to mind when the name “Barnabas” is mentioned. Those are the unique amongst us. They seem to smile and uplift those around them no matter what the circumstances. It is those good Christians who bless us because God has blessed them with the “Encouragement Gene.” Of course, no one is perfect, even in the art of encouragement. Satan is expert at discouragement and works much harder to break the…

To the Work #11. “Unseen Increase.”

Let me assure you, if the Gospel is alive in you, you have no idea of its future impact upon heaven and earth. Generations from now the seeds that you have sown in today’s hearts will continue to bear fruit—that is the nature of the Good News of the Church. Never let it be said that you gave up because of the negative responses of the hard-hearted. For even though many will choose darkness, some will be overwhelmed by the…

To the Work #10. “Generic Faith.”

How are we to approach those who settle on a “generic faith?” Those whose “god” is far enough away to never notice their shortcomings, but close enough to call upon when times get tough? When encountering believers of firmer persuasion, they are expert at either mirroring their zeal, or listening with feigned religious fervour. Of course, their faith doesn’t have to be centred in one world religion, but instead can incorporate as many beliefs as needed or preferred. So, what…

To the Work #9. “Bad reception.”

I once said of a Sunday night sermon, “I think that was probably better described as ‘A fire-side chat.’” At which point my wife said, “All that I could feel was air conditioning.” Acknowledging her wit and wisdom, I said, “I guess that old preacher was right when he said, ‘If there’s no fire in the sermon, then the sermon should go in the fire.’” If you are a regular churchgoer it doesn’t take long before you have heard a…

To the Work #8. “What am I teaching?”

Years ago, I attended the funeral of a great woman of God. Certain family members encouraged her grandchildren to write notes on her coffin (something I had never seen before, nor have I seen since). One of her sons, a man of God, was praising what was happening…until he saw one of the children writing out a verse from a book that one particular cult counts as “scripture.” He did not say anything to the family at the time, but…

To the Work #7. “No room for Compromise.”

I have often repeated the tragic fact that many Christians who move to other countries never unpack their faith. When realising that they are no longer held accountable for neglecting the rhythms and responsibilities of congregational life, they abandon God and His church. Imagine you and your congregation have been forcibly moved to a country of strange customs, language, and religion. Then, when looking around at this totally foreign environment, you realise that the only things you have to call…

To the Work #6. “Clutter.”

Despite what the experts say, there is no set formula for the state of “Happy.” Admittedly, the state of “Unhappy” that those same experts claim to be able to lift you out of does seem to fit a set formula. It is true that lives cluttered with debt, anger, and restlessness, do appear to have jagged edges—as if stamped out by the same damaged cookie-cutter. However, all things being equal, the same things that one person dreams will remove them…

To the Work #5. “I did it God’s way.”

I have met at least a couple of those rare persons who have lived lives where they got to touch their dreams. It is not for nothing that they were the envy of many. Few men rise above mediocrity, and fewer still can look back on a life of undeniable success. These men worked very hard and never lost faith in God. Their motives were pure, and their lives were wholly invested in the church. I was blessed to meet…