Posts from April 2023 (Page 2)

Renewing the Mind #9. “The Light in you.”

She was tall, thin, and appeared to be about 50 years of age. It was before 6 o’clock in the morning and still dark and cold when she walked past me and the dog. She was walking barefoot on the road wearing pyjama pants (dirty and tattered at the feet), a wind jacket and a sports cap. Stony faced and staring straight ahead she passed us as if she were the only person on earth. My son suggested that her…

Renewing the Mind #8. “Walking towards the truth.”

Those longstanding church traditions, Biblical and otherwise, must be questioned. Now, I do realise that there are brethren who do not believe that there are such things as “Biblical traditions” in the church. So, let me recommend a Word Study on the subject, and then let’s talk. Also, I do realise that there are brethren who do not believe that we should question core doctrines. So, let me recommend they Survey the youth who have left the church on their…

Renewing the Mind #7. “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.”

No one can fill their minds with worldly rubbish without causing damage. Add sinful behaviour to this and you multiply that damage tenfold. King David found out the hard way that he should have fled the scene when he first laid eyes on Bathsheba. The personal consequences of his sin were monumental. He lost two sons, nearly lost his kingdom, and tarnished his otherwise perfect reputation with God and man; not to mention the wives Absalom violated and David’s murder…

Renewing the Mind #6. “A rich and powerful force.”

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose” (Philippians 2:2). Every now and then I find myself at the front of the auditorium wondering why I haven’t made it my permanent place of residence during worship. It is up there that you hear the voices of the whole congregation united as a rich and powerful force. When Paul speaks of the church “being of the same mind,”…

Renewing the Mind #5. “Taking the church into tomorrow.”

Nothing excites me more than to have young people ask questions about what they are discussing with their friends about faith and the Bible. Invariably they start with the question, “Is it Okay to question these things?” My reply is always the same. I say, “Of course, you must debate everything. Jesus will not suddenly disappear into thin air if you struggle to present what you believe. That is how we learn.” What amazes me is that they are reading…

Renewing the Mind #4. “Prepare your mind for action.”

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13). Words are meaningless noises in the ears of the distracted. In fact, even if Peter’s command to “prepare your mind for action” gets through, it will only serve to frustrate you further if your life is all over the place. You are a long way from being ready for…
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