Posts from February 2023

Nothing New under the Sun #8. “Passion.”

A life devoid of passion is misery! Praise God that life usually starts with wide-eyed enthusiasm. Churches filled with the sounds of children must rejoice in their blessed state. For it is in children that we see the spirit that must characterise the citizens of the Kingdom. Thus, we are never to lose that delight of being around each other; enjoying the gift of God’s presence in His people. The Holy Spirit set the world alight on the Day of…

Nothing New under the Sun #7. “Crooked made straight.”

Each new generation seeks to fix the inadequacies of the past. Admittedly, in material terms advances have been made for many. But in moral terms the same old problems persist. Such is the hopeless state of “life under the sun” that Scripture insists that the eyes of man are like the abode of the dead—never satisfied! (Proverbs 27:20). It is sad to think that millions lie in their beds every night wondering if there is hope for this world. Sadder…

Nothing New under the Sun #6. “Something to never forget.”

A contractor once told me that he had been hired to dig a trench through a long-forgotten cemetery. I will spare you the graphic details, but suffice it to say that nothing was considered sacred. I had already read articles about such graveyards, so I was unsurprised. The articles spoke of town councils that had made comprehensive searches for anyone who might claim a connection to old graves in their towns, but found no one. Solomon reminds us that remembrance…

Nothing New under the Sun #5. “Only Servant-leaders need apply.”

When people do what they are supposed to do, it is a good place to be. But when people turn their positions of responsibility into platforms to promote their own interests, the place turns toxic. King Solomon, when eyeing the potential for corruption in officialdom, says the quiet part out loud: “If you see oppression of the poor and denial of justice and righteousness in the province, do not be shocked at the sight; for one official watches over another…

Nothing New under the Sun #4. “The Good old days.”

Don’t ask, “Why was life better in the ‘good old days’?” It is not wise to ask such questions (Ecclesiastes 7:10NCV). I was listening to a commentator talking about growing up in the 1990s as if it were a very long time ago. It made me realise that my parents’ generation also saw the years of my childhood and youth as “yesterday” for them. Despite the growing number of doomsayers, I still believe that today is a very good time…

Nothing New under the Sun #2. “Living beyond this life.”

The Sadducees’ story of the seven-time widowed lady who died childless (Matthew 22:23-33), made sense in a dinner table discussion sort of way. “Afterall,” they would have reasoned, “the idea of seven brothers fighting over the wife that they all had, is as unlikely as God allowing a woman to keep seven husbands in heaven.” At the end of the day, all that the Sadducees were doing was excusing themselves from any judgement before God. For them, the simplest way…

Nothing New under the Sun #3. “Envy—Hidden till it’s not!”

Of the most-talked-about sins amongst us, envy is not one of them. However, for a sin that is not often sighted, it is listed among the worst of sins; the kinds that will keep a soul out of the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21; Mark 7:22; Romans 1:29). It is not common for a Christian to say, “I have problems with the sin of envy.” Although, we might possibly admit to petty jealousies from time to time. Solomon exposes the…

Nothing New under the Sun #1. “Whatever is has already been.”

Peter works hard at a fulltime job and preaches when requested. On the occasions that we have been in the same place of worship, I have always felt blessed to hear him. His sermons are Biblical, upbeat, and creative. Thus, when he asked me how I came up with my sermon ideas I was surprised. I told him that I find my best ideas when reading the scriptures and when listening to other preachers; especially brothers like himself. A couple…

On the Level #12. “Trusted with much.”

There is nothing complicated about Christian Stewardship. It operates by a simple rule: “What God puts into your care, use it to advance the Lord’s church.” Understandably, unbelieving family and friends will count you crazy to hold such a conviction. Even those favourably disposed toward Christianity will cringe to think that you actually believe that God takes care of those who “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Obviously, I am not suggesting that we all…

On the Level #11. “Truth brings freedom.”

Being present when a soul realises that God can forgive even them, is a beautiful and blessed thing. Seeing their countenance lift and their shoulders relax in Christ’s love, is truly a delight to behold. I studied with a lady who believed that she was condemned to hell for sins committed against people long dead. When understanding from scripture that God forgives the penitent of heart, all her doubts and fears disappeared. From the day she was baptised until the…