Fewer things on earth make you want to run for the comfort food than having to take dieting seriously. Also, fewer things on earth seem to outnumber the choices of diets available. The diet industry has become so big that you can’t help but wonder if can even afford to succeed. Dr Oz has come up with a 28 day diet. Not being an expert on the subject, myself, but having been forced to look at the subject, I noticed a few of his common sense applications: Firstly, he wants you to get rid of all the sweet processed things that aren’t good for you. Secondly, the 28 day period is designed to lock in new habits of better food preparation. Thirdly, there is a feel-good factor to lift you spirits and keep you engaged in healthy living—Nothing succeeds like success, as the old saying goes.
The parallels between good diets and the Christian life are obvious. Firstly, get rid of all sin. Like sugar it seems sweet at the time, but it causes burdens too hard to bear. Secondly, new godly habits take time and disciple. Humans binge on a diet of worldliness that comes to us through bad entertainment, bad news, bad company, and bad habits. For a healthy diet of Biblical truths to take hold, we must work hard to change our habits—preparation is vital. Thirdly, we should not be surprised when we start to feel better. I met a lady recently who told me she doesn’t see God in anything. I asked her to look around her. At the beautiful creation, the purity that every child is born with, and the goodness we see in godly people. She was respectful but insisted that all the evil in the world is proof that there is no God. Oh, that she would accept a 28 day spiritual diet. I know she would be better for it. “Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, (1 Peter 2:2).
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