My three children grew up with the internet, computers and cell phones and knew nothing of the world before then. However, they do remember the dark days of ‘Dial-up’ and the stone-age which preceded Smartphones, but that was centuries ago. I saw a survey that stated that sixty-seven percent of those born after 1997 “are likely to rate free wi-fi as their top accommodation amenity, when on holiday.” No wonder people don’t take statistics seriously. As if the other 23 percent had a greater priority—but, I could be wrong. Seeing young people commune with cell phones in hand is normal. They know nothing else. Many of us have joined them to one degree or another. Who would have believed that we would one day have instant news, entertainment, and communication at our fingertips? The burning question is: “Are we better off for it?” I don’t have enough space to speak of the other ‘instants’…instant-misinformation, instant-porn, instant-adultery, instant-scams,…etc. If you don’t know what your kids are looking at and listening to, you will find out when it all comes out in the future—“A man reaps what you sows” (Gal.6:7). But that goes both ways: It is a fantastic tool if used to fill our hearts with God. “The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace” (Rom.8:6). I have listened to many hours of scripture and sermons on the internet. I use online commentaries in my studies and find articles and videos of interest. Social media has transformed our ability to bless and be blessed by each other’s lives in the Lord. We need to grab every opportunity to reach out online. If that is where the people are, that is where we need to be. Give up my smartphone and laptop…? You must be joking!