Those ‘Door-knocking Campaigns’ were hard work. When approaching a door, you could usually expect a polite rejection in the form of a ‘I got me own religion,’ and though disappointed, it was far better than being detained by someone who had nothing better to do than waste your time. The seasoned campaigners that I had the privilege to work with were amongst the most dedicated soul seekers I ever met—Heaven will be a fuller place because of them. Jesus sent out a group of 70 to go house-to-house in Luke 10. His commission was simple: “Say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” They were to take no extras. Just the clothes they were standing up in. Jesus assured them that ‘the harvest was plentiful, but the workers few.’ This called for prayer: “Lord of the harvest, send more workers.” Jesus insisted that the only compensation they were to accept was food and a bed for the night—with no upgrades, even if available. A blessing of peace was to be offered. It was only for those worthy of this Messianic blessing. If rejected, they were not to agree to disagree and leave a blessing anyway. The 70 were to make it plain that rejecting Jesus was rejecting the coming Messiah and his Kingdom. They were to literally wipe the dust of that town off their feet in judgement against them. Theses ‘campaigners’ were under no illusions as to the nature of those who opposed their teaching. He told them: “Go, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.” Nothing has changed in 2000 years except that we are now calling sinners to the kingdom that has come. It is still our prayer: ‘Lord of the harvest, send more workers.’