Ninety-six—God’s creatures one and all

Ninety-six—God’s creatures one and all

I have a friend from south of Auckland who I invited to stay at our home a few years ago. He meekly asked about his dog, that was traveling with his family. I replied, “Love me, love my dog,” and I believe, with those few borrowed words, I had just added a second life-time to our friendship. Such is the nature of people and their pets. Pets are God’s ultimate unconditional love benefactors. Naturally the Bible says, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals” (Proverbs 12:10). By contrast we saw the wicked Balaam beating the donkey that was determined to save his life (Numbers 22). And who can forget the prophet Nathan taking King David from hot rage to humble repentance with the story of the rich sheep farmer who ripped the poor family’s pet sheep from their arms to feed his guests? (2 Samuel 12). Given the sad disposition of some, it is little wonder that others turn to the pet world for companionship. But unfortunately, it can get out of hand. The case of a lady who had 96 cats in her house is a clear example. I am sure that as the problems associated with this responsibility got beyond her, she tried even harder to care for them. Finally, the authorities re-homed the cats and the story ended in sad silence. There was another soul surrounded by animals; God had Adam name each and every one. But that was God’s way of showing him that man’s human needs were to be fulfilled by relationships with other human beings—starting with one. That is God’s way. The church is Jesus’ friendship centre. In fact, everyone will know that we are disciples of Christ by the love we have for one another (John 13:35). We are indeed God’s creatures one and all.


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