Catholicism was the religion of my birth. Until my early teens I attended Masses regularly and became an Altar Boy for a brief period. One of the things I remember most about sitting in the Catholic Church was the statues. I had been especially taught the significance of ‘The Virgin Mary.’ I was told on more than one occasion that Mary would intercede on my behalf before God, because she is the ‘Mother of God.’ This was vital doctrine. And reassuring for kids who believed in God and motherhood.The Catholic Feast Days around the world include parades with statues of Christ, Joseph, Mary and a host of other people and things.The official word from the Catholic priests is that images are there only to remind the worshiper of whom they are worshiping. They are not considered ‘idols.’ I didn’t believe that then, and I don’t believe that now.If bowing down to graven images of man or beast is prohibited by God, it should not be done. It is idolatry!Don’t tell me that the Christian world (beyond Catholicism), some even in the Lord’s church, do not place religious significance in religious manmade symbols. Crosses, stain glass windows, statues, paintings, buildings…etc. I am well aware that the subject can become ridiculous. I am not attributing bad motives where there are none. There is a very important difference between worshipers bowing down, praying to, and kissing the feet of statues, and kids using Sunday School material with pictures and puzzles of Jesus.Christians are to consider anything that obscures their one-to-one worship with God a potential idol. And that goes way beyond images.Much discussion is needed…but the Second, like the First command, stands!“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image…” (Ex.20:3).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (326)