The Tenth:“Thou shalt not covet…” (Ex.20:17).

The Tenth:“Thou shalt not covet…” (Ex.20:17).

What you want in your heart matters just as much as what you have in your hand—and sometimes even more so.If you want a true inventory of the things you really want, just track your emotions. Those feelings of delight that arise as things come into view are your tell-tale signs. They signal each and every want and desire of your heart to one degree or another.And…most things can be innocent in and of themselves.There is nothing wrong with viewing the latest new thing and appreciating its potential usefulness, or just being glad for its existence.The problems of the soul emerge when that which is desired is off limits. In childish vanity King Ahab coveted Naboth’s vineyard, and Naboth ended up dead!In animal lust King David coveted Uriah’s wife, and Uriah ended up dead!Now, no one necessarily ends up dead in the normal course of a day filled with envy, but no one ends up blessed either.Where there is no rejoicing in the promotion of a co-worker, or happiness over the neighbour’s new car, there is bound to be a heart that is void of contentment.Where there is no contentment, there is no peace, and where there is no peace, there is a soul at war over that which is really of value in this life.

The Covetous man has a Ten-Fold Problem:

1. He puts any ‘god’ who will give him what he wants before the Only true God.

2. He makes idols of the objects of his desire.

3. He curses the name of the Only true God when he doesn’t get what he wants.

4. He can’t know the holiness in the Lord’s Day.

5. He will not honour his mother and father.

6. He kills, or wishes dead, they who deprive him.

7. He cheats on his wife, or wants to do so.

8. He steals, or wants to take, that which is not his.

9. He will happily be a false witness to gain any advantage.

10. And…he will covet anything and everything because he believes he alone is deserving of all praise and all property—he is his own ‘god.’

The cure for covetousness is contentment. Being glad with where God has put you to serve, and with that which he has given you to serve with.Paul, speaking from prison wrote: “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Philippines 4:11).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (333)


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