Easier said than done.#5. “It’s time to forgive and forget.”

Easier said than done.#5. “It’s time to forgive and forget.”

C.S. Lewis was right when he suggested that the happiest person in the world is a selfish person getting their own way. Understood in his assessment was that the opposite was also true. The most unhappy person in the world is a selfish person not getting their own way.

In the heart of every selfish person resides an unforgiving spirit. Add to this a religious facade, and anyone in close proximity to them is in for a torrid ride. What you have in your midst is a person who, when faced with the unhappiness of defeat, would rather get joy from destroying everything, than to forgive and forget.

The worst thing about nursing an unforgiving spirit is that it takes others to hell with it.

The fastest way to “cause one of these little ones to stumble” is to poison their innocent minds with the venom of unforgiveness. Dislikes and grudges do not have to be mentioned to have an impact. It is enough that they exist in suspended animation. Some spend decades building a network of enablers willing to overlook their ways. It is easier said than done to confront this. To accuse one is to accuse all. But it must be done.

Forgiveness is at the heart of our Christian experience. With it, we are saved, without it, we are lost. Our daily spiritual progress depends on our treatment of the sins and shortcomings of others.“For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions” (Mt.6:14-15).

It is in seeking the best for each other as Jesus has sought the best for us that we rid ourselves of selfishness. Then out goes that unforgiving spirit—Praise the Lord!

John Staiger