Series: Ask and ye shall receive (Mt.7:7).#4. “What about Tithing?”

Series: Ask and ye shall receive (Mt.7:7).#4. “What about Tithing?”

The standard answer in the Lord’s church to the question: “Are Christians commanded to tithe?” has been a resounding “NO!” And rightly so. Instead, our New Testament starting points are: 1. Give as you have been prospered, and 2. Give with a cheerful heart (2Cor.9:7).

But the very fact that this question persists speaks to a paper-jam in our Biblical understanding of giving.

The wise will always encourage questioners to look to our Father in heaven for their standard for giving. He gives:
*His inspired Word (Heb.4:12);
*Salvation in His Son (Jn.3:16);
*The church (Mt.16:18);
*The right to become children of God (Jn.1:12);
*His Spirit without measure (Jn.3:34);
*Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor.15:57);
*Help in time of need (Heb.4:18);
*Peace (Jn.14:27);
*Perseverance and encouragement (Rom.15:5);
*Wisdom (Jm.1:5);
*Talents according to ability (Mt.25:15);
*Rains from heaven and fruitful seasons (Acts 14:17) and
*The greatest of commissions (Mt.28:18-20).
To name but a few.

If creation and the church are not proof enough of God’s generosity, then sight has been lost of that which is most important. That is why so many seek fulfilment in the accumulation of material things, and ‘Giving back to God’ is reduced to a duty to be performed.

When we start quibbling about ‘How Much,’ we show our immaturity. ‘Everything God has put into your hands’ is the only Biblical answer. Questions beyond this deal with the use and distribution of those blessings. And for those answers you must seek God’s wisdom.

Only when God is established as the giver of all things, does ‘giving’ make any sense at all.

Ask God to provide for your part in the Great Commission and you will see His generosity overflow:

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2Cor.9:8).

John Staiger


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