Changing the World#3. “That’s how to change the world!

Changing the World#3. “That’s how to change the world!

I heard the story of a great man of God who was devoured by bitterness. His hard-earned wealth had been taken by a dishonest brother, and he was bent on restoring his pride and his fortune. So, by working night and day he gained back more than he ever had before. Years later, an old friend met him at a funeral. Because the rich man had publicly stated his disbelief in the views held by his friend, his friend thought hard about what to say to him. He needn’t have worried, the rich man wasn’t stopping to chat. Although his wealth had been restored, his love for anyone who reminded him of the past hadn’t been restored. He swapped greetings, made a joke, and departed.

Some might argue that he remains a great Man of God and that people must move on from their narrow views. If that be the case, all must pray that the Lord opens the eyes of our hearts to see that. After all, any judgement imposed upon him must be imposed upon ourselves first.

All who strive to be men and women of God cannot live their spiritual life in a suspended state of “what used to be.” The disadvantages wrought upon us by the sins and shortcomings of others are to be seen as opportunities for prayer, forgiveness and good—we must want everyone (friend or foe) to do well spiritually.

I know this is not the standard psychology of the day. The world encourages us to expect forgiveness from others but to tolerate an unforgiving spirit in ourselves. There are no seeds of greatness in that!

Great Men and Women of God are simply ordinary saints who are plugged into a great power—The Holy Spirit. It is His church, and if we but “love one another as Jesus has loved us,” then the greatness of our Lord will work in us.

That’s how to change the world!

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35).

John Staiger