I got it into my head that I would not pay the “exorbitant” prices that Auckland stores were asking for stair rail brackets. So, when in the USA, I went into one of the big D.I.Y. stores and bought 4 of them “for a song!” I proudly put them in my carry on luggage and started for home. It was a mistake. Every time my carry on bag came anywhere near an x-ray machine the presence of that dense mass of metallic material lit up the eyes of the security teams. My unpacking and repacking inconvenienced everyone along the way; especially myself. And for what? To save ten dollars.
Time is a commodity that is not ours to waste.
Others wasting our time may be something we have little control over, but when it is our doing, we can hardly consider it redeemed as if it were “providential.”
Sadly, an expert at wasting his own time is guaranteed an expert at wasting the time of others; not a badge to be worn with honour.
No one knows the potential greatness of a life given to God. We assume that we can calculate the trajectory of our futures, but we really have no idea.
However, the things that fill our days do impact the direction our lives take. Jesus said:
“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them” (Matthew 25:29).
That which a Christian “has” is the fruit of their labour of faith. It is a faithfully calculated use of time and talents for the Lord. Such disciples count themselves responsible for the minutes, hours and days gifted to them.
You and I are told to “be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers. Use your time in the best way you can” (Colossians 4:5).
Choose wisely what you fill your time with – Don’t slow yourself down!
John Staiger