Reducing Jesus’ status to that of a mere man has one big advantage for those who have chosen to do so—If he is NOT God, they DON’T have to take him seriously!
And, if so, that would be correct. For without Jesus’ divine authority his whole ministry falls flat. All his teachings about heaven lose any sense of eternal hope, and all his teachings about hell lose any sense of eternal punishment; So, “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”
The apostle Thomas missed Jesus’ post resurrection visit. His faith in Jesus had been broken once, and he was determined that it was not going to happen a second time. He was now a born-again pragmatist. He would not believe that Jesus had risen unless he saw and touched Jesus’ crucifixion wounds—And that was it!
Jesus let him wait seven days before turning up for Thomas’ great reckoning. It would be fascinating to know what Thomas was saying to all the talk of Jesus’ resurrection over that week. By then he had probably refined his response to: “Seeing is believing!”
When Jesus appeared, he did not use the door. With his sudden appearance he gave a blessing of peace, and then immediately turned his attention to the one who demanded physical evidence of his rising.
There in the very presence of Jesus, Thomas was offered the opportunity to touch the wounds inflicted on the cross. Jesus added, “Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27).
At that moment Jesus didn’t have to ask Thomas, “Who do you say I am?” For Thomas had stopped doubting and believed again. Thus, he elevated Jesus to his true status: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).
“And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world” (1 Corinthians 15:19NLT).
John Staiger