Ready or Not #1. “Rabbit Holes.”

Ready or Not #1. “Rabbit Holes.”

It was one of those phone calls that claimed that the worldwide events of 2020 were the fulfilment of the prophesies in the Book of Revelation. I had been hearing similar theories since the mid-1970s, so nothing was new. The brother concerned was sincere and, to his credit, was more interesting than others I’d spoken to. The problem came later when he complained that I had not answered his questions to his satisfaction. My respectful response was this: “I have never promised anyone that I would engage in a written dialogue on the geopolitical theories from the Book of Revelation, and I probably never will—it is a rabbit hole I have no intentions of going down!” He was never happy with my response.

Amidst his unhappiness I did remind him of the promise I made him. I had said, “I am listening very carefully to what you are saying, and I am giving it serious thought.”

I have spent much time trying to get my head around many of the “Doctrines” that differentiate one denomination from another. The time spent has been valuable, but I contend that it would have been better spent in the pages of the Bible. For it is in our clear knowledge of scripture that we are best prepared when “Testing the Spirits” (1 John 4:1).

Our minds must be ever ready to meet false teaching with Bible. This can only be done if we know what is in its pages. And even then, we must seek wisdom and insight to understand and share God’s Word.

Lest Timothy disappear down the “Rabbit Holes” of his day, Paul told him:

Guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:20).

John Staiger