Above all else#7. “Standing ready!”

Above all else#7. “Standing ready!”

Years ago, a brother in the Lord spoke of an encounter that shocked him. He was speaking with another believer who began to confess a sin that was besetting them. The brother recoiled and said that he didn’t think it was right that one should discuss such things with others.

I immediately thought about Paul’s words to the Galatians: “If someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual, restore him gently” (Gal.6:1).

We are living in a sin-soaked world. The amount of filth and depravity available at the mere touch of an electronic device is staggering. A tidal wave of immorality is washing over us all, to one degree or another, 24 hours of every day. You personally may not see it or have a problem with it, but somebody you know does.

You must be strong for the day. The day when a fellow believer brings the broken pieces of their life to you in confession. You must be ready to carry their burdens without being tempted and overcome by them (Gal.6:1-2).

The scriptures talk about “Empty words” (Eph.5:6). The words of Christian teachers who convince Christians that immorality, greed, filthy language, and obscenities are just part of the human condition, and of no concern to God. Paul says, “Because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient” (Eph.5:6).

It is a sacred honour for a soul to confess their sins before you in the presence of God. Never must we break that trust. You are there as a brother or sister to be leaned on in a time of intense Satanic warfare. They are in desperate need of a righteous brother or sister to intercede from a righteous heart.

Be one who is always standing ready…!

“Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (Jm.5:16).

John Staiger


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