Ambition#11. “Moving on from disappointments.”

Ambition#11. “Moving on from disappointments.”

Life is too short to be wasted. There is no time for chasing rainbows or nursing regrets. When the hard times come, and they will, they are best faced in faith than in failure.

The temptation to avoid the disappointments of life is strong. However, our efforts to protect ourselves against future woes are often misguided. We forget that Jesus’ life was full of disappointments, and all of them were handled in the context of his ministry. Though the crucifixion left the disciples broken and disappointed, the resurrection healed and revived them.

Joseph, son of Jacob, was a boy loaded up with miraculous dreams. But they seemed to have been quickly shattered when he was sold into slavery. But his disappointments did not stupefy him. He chose to work hard under the belief that God would deliver him. Did God honour His promises? Yes, of course!

The mighty Prophet Daniel could have joined his fellow Jews in their quiet misery during the Babylon captivity. Instead, he served God as His messenger to the rulers that he served under.

Both Joseph and Daniel had had their lives disrupted in their youths. Though they both were torn from that which was nearest and dearest to them, they faithfully served God amongst the godless. These young men had less control over their day-to-day affairs than most of us can even imagine. But both changed history through their disappointments.

Joseph gave honour to God by acknowledging His providential hand in every aspect of his life. Looking back he told his wicked brothers:
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive” (Genesis 50:20).

It is more-than-likely that you and I are not seeing the full reach of God’s providential hand in our lives. It matters not! What does matter is that we walk on from our disappointments, knowing that they may be building blocks in God’s Kingdom.

For He truly does cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

John Staiger