Are we having fun, yet?
I went on a Door-knocking Campaign in a foreign land in 1987. There I met some of the hardest working soul-seekers in my life. Taking a morning off, we went on a sightseeing trip to a nearby ‘historic’ mill. As we were driving away, one of the sisters broke the stillness of that absolutely pristine, tranquil countryside with: “Are we having fun, yet? You know, it sure is something when the most exciting thing I saw at that mill was when Jim’s Campaign Badge dropped down and got chewed up in the mill gearing.” At which point Jim put his hand where his badge used to be. It was that kind of humour that kept you going. Rejection at door after door can make you numb to the reasons you are there if you are not careful. The last thing you need is to be ‘just going through the motions.’ Boredom is a nasty companion.It is endemic in the religiously self-righteous. They own it. It seeps out of every pore. Boredom is their entrenched go-to mood. There they express their “Justifiable non-compliance.” There they tell you why they are better than everyone else. Little do they realize that it is a luxury that they can ill afford—Jesus didn’t die for that!“Bored people are boring!”I know it sounds like something that a nine-year-old would say, but it rings true all the same. Instead, Christians hone their listening skills. Their persistent goodwill looks past the less-interesting to the depths of the heart of the other. Ever praying that a friend is strengthened or made for Jesus.I assure you, that each of those seasoned Campaigners who spent years of their life knocking on doors for Jesus, traveling from city to city, and country to country, hadn’t had a boring day in years. They never met a person that they didn’t want to tell about the most exciting thing that ever happened to humanity—“Jesus died on the cross to save you!”John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends.