Posts by John Staiger (Page 36)

Them and Us#6. “Friends that are yet to be.”

We all know people who struggle to maintain lasting friendships. It’s not that they necessarily lack family or brethren around them, it’s that they lack the ability to develop meaning and depth in any relationships. Given the nature of the church, such individuals will always enjoy the attention of those who make sure that everyone’s social needs are being met. But since friendship is a reciprocal arrangement, such interactions can remain superficial for years. Sadder still, are those who assume…

Them and Us#5. “We Persuade Them…”

If you have watched debates dealing with the Existence of God, you might have noticed that, with rare exceptions, they tend to be fully scripted. Both sides present their arguments with confidence and determination, and with, of course, no room for doubt that they are correct on every point. These debates have their place but listen to enough of them and you will realise their limitations in turning hearts to Christ. If a person cannot see God in His creation…

Them and Us#4. “When they don’t want to listen to us.”

Church scandals get a lot of press quickly. It is almost predictable that the headlines will announce details of illicit relationships, fraudulent activities, or abuse of staff—or all three for that matter. However, long gone are the days when I scoffed at the demise of these churches. Though the guilty may deserve their public humiliation, the innocent do not! It is heart-breaking that some of those caught up in the hurt will never set foot in “any” church again. It…

Them and Us#3. “When I became a man…”

Nothing is more affirming to a parent than to see their children reach maturity. New parents have no idea of the brevity of time between a baby’s arrival in the home and their departure from it. The stages of life, from complete dependence to claimed independence, are replete with emotions. There is no relaxation as they move from the self-centred but joyful child to the anxious but potential-filled youth. It is when a sense of responsibility and accountability has imbedded…

Them and Us#2. “New Kid in Town.”

In my youth, I moved to a rural town to work for a few months. The first man that my boss and I were to meet was a local dignitary. His distractedness during our brief meeting felt less than welcoming. Apparently, his mind was on an accusation made about him by one of the other locals. The next man we met was the site foreman. He was so surly that he could hardly bring himself to thank us for pushing…

Them and Us#1. “So that I may by all means save some.”

I once visited Singapore during a Chinese New Year’s Celebration. I had never been among so many people before. I moved in time with the sea of local people as they expertly weaved their way around each other walking up and down the streets. Of all the things that stuck out to me in that beautiful city, were not the huge crowds, shops, lights, music, and colours, but instead the other people who looked like me. There was no way…

Labels#12. “Divisive.”

To deal with the divisive is to strike at the heart of Satan’s demolition crew. Never are the destructive more willing to implode a church than when they are confronted with their evil ways. Knowing they have nothing to lose, they attempt to “torch the place” on their way out—I have seen it with my own eyes! The strength of a congregation resides in its collective faith and love (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4). Years of labouring together in the church as…

Labels#11. “Enemies.”

It is a rare day that a Christian will admit, “That person is my enemy.” They know better than to say such a thing. Instead, they would tend to speak in terms of: “That person treats me as if I am an enemy of theirs;” thus putting it back on the other person. Every child of God will accumulate enemies; it goes with the calling. Jesus said that the world will hate us as it hated him (John 15:18-19). However,…

Labels#10. “Lukewarm.”

It is a strange irony that every lukewarm Christian that I have met has been the nicest of people. They were characteristically congenial, and when their sensibilities were challenged, they tended to default quickly to their agreeable dispositions. One would wonder if the world would be a better place if everybody was like them. Of course, I am only skimming the surface of things when suggesting that every lukewarm person lives to please others. Crack that pleasing veneer open and…

Labels#9. “Biased.”

The first major principle of study that Terry Brown taught us at Bible College was: “No one comes to a subject as if a blank sheet of paper.” That was 40 years ago, and it was exactly what I needed to hear at that beginning point. Since then, it has helped me to smile when I have discovered that all my “original ideas” were somehow miraculously written down by scholars long before I was born. When making decisions or judgements…