Posts by John Staiger (Page 52)

Above all else#8. “Going Home.”
In the late 1980s, I had the honour of driving an “old” missionary (I doubt that he was 60 at the time) to a lectureship. The four-hour drive seemed like nothing as he answered my many questions about his years on the mission field. That was the day I learned the qualities of a true missionary. He did not see himself as having left home—he saw himself as going home. His love for God, the church, and the lost was…

Above all else#7. “Standing ready!”
Years ago, a brother in the Lord spoke of an encounter that shocked him. He was speaking with another believer who began to confess a sin that was besetting them. The brother recoiled and said that he didn’t think it was right that one should discuss such things with others. I immediately thought about Paul’s words to the Galatians: “If someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual, restore him gently” (Gal.6:1). We are living in a sin-soaked…

Above all else#6. “Integrity and stewardship.”
It is nice to know that New Zealand enjoys the status of being “The Least Corrupt Country in the World.” It says good things about our small country. It is amazing that some countries actually admire leaders who, in the mind of many, are corrupt. However, this admiration does tend to vanish suddenly when corruption is exposed. This is because much of the admiration is based on the corrupt person’s ability to maintain his position of power, even though being…

Above all else#5. “Winning souls is wise.”
Guilt is a powerful motivator and is inextricably connected to repentance. Without it, we demonstrate a lack of understanding as to why we need a Saviour. It is through the Gospel that the Holy Spirit exposes guilt while offering redemption. Thus, in our baptism, we were born again by the water and the Spirit (Jn.3:5). Therein we rejoiced, and still rejoice, that there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:1). I am thankful for our Psalms, Hymns…

Above all else#4. “God does what needs to be done.”
Jerusalem was surrounded by the Assyrian army, and according to the logic of man, it was doomed. In desperation, King Hezekiah took the surrender papers sent by Sennacherib, laid them out before the Lord, and there he prayed (Isaiah 37). Hezekiah first looked to the glory of God’s presence, and that the God of heaven be seen for who He is: God of all the kingdoms of the world. Then Hezekiah asked God to look upon and listen to the…

Above all else#3. “What is best?”
In death, the rich man found himself in Torment. Immediately, he appealed to those in Paradise for relief. Abraham replied that no form of relief could either be sent or collected. So, the tortured rich man turned his attention to his living loved ones. But Abraham told him that they could avoid Torment if they but believe the Scriptures. Now desperate, the rich man insists that a resurrected man would convince his five brothers to fear God. Finally, Abraham informed…

Above all else#2. “His word is in my heart like a fire!”
I heard the story of a Scottish preacher who was concerned about the lack of attendance at worship services. He noticed that the local theatre had long queues of people waiting to see a famous Shakespearean actor perform. He decided to meet the actor and to ask him how he attracts such large audiences night after night. When meeting him and asking his question, the actor said, “Maybe the reason is that I make artificial things look real, but you…

Above all else#1. “Highest Priorities of the Heart.”
A young husband was talking with his crusty old workmate during their work break. The subject of smoke alarms was brought up and questions of best exit strategies were put forth. The old man said, “If that alarm goes off, you’ll wake with a start, reach over to shake your wife, but she’ll be gone.” Somewhat puzzled, the young man asked, “Where will she be?” The old man laughed and said, “She’ll already be on the sidewalk with the kids…
Talking to God#4. “Blessings guaranteed.”
I will not lie to you, the more you go to prayer, the more you will come under Satanic attack. The devil is not about to leave you alone as you plot to destroy his kingdom. In fact, he will use your nearest and dearest to distract you from spending quality time with the Lord. If Jesus’ family came to collect him because they thought he had gone mad over his religion, should we be surprised if our loved ones…
Talking to God#3. “Drive the devil out of there!”
“When you pray, go into your inner room and close your door” (Mt.6:6). Taking time alone with the Lord is to forsake everyone and everything that surrounds you in the normal course of your day. As normal as it sounds that a Christian must spend time alone in prayer, it is not something that comes naturally. The habit of prayer is hard fought for and maintained only with a cast-iron resolve. Israel of old, when finding themselves in the grip…