Posts by John Staiger (Page 60)

Counting the Cost#5. “If he gains the whole world” (Lk.9:25).

A rather robust father sat in front of his cell phone camera flanked by his two equally robust sons. He announced in a strong regional accent that he had bought $400 worth of Scratchcards and was about to “make my fortune.” He divided the cards between himself, and his two sons and they, with coins in hand, proceeded to process the cards. When they had finished, he announced his winnings. “The return on my $400 investment is…$225. A loss of…

Counting the Cost#4. “For whoever wishes to save his life” (Lk.9:24).

A billionaire took his eight-year-old granddaughter along on a trip on his private jet. Being an Internet personality, he decided to make an impromptu video with his young passenger. His attempts at sagely advice on the pros and cons of money didn’t go as he expected. When he asked her, “What good things can you do if you have a lot of money?” She said ecstatically, “Fly in a Lear Jet.” He laughed at his defeat and wished his audience…

Counting the Cost#3. “Take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Lk.9:23).

I will not pretend to understand the extent of the cruelty involved in a crucifixion. But less will I pretend to understand the extent of loving grace involved in Jesus’ crucifixion. My efforts at “taking up my cross daily” are pitiful compared to my Lord’s. To even suggest that I comprehend the depths of its meaning is a stretch. I say with Paul: “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are…

Counting the Cost#2. “He must deny himself” (Lk.9:23).

I have a preacher friend who is known for finishing his sermons “with a hymn.” I have listened to enough of his sermons to have noticed that he will even slip a line or two of his favourite hymns into the body of his sermon too. Knowing that he is never wanting for sermon material, I have thus concluded the obvious: Those hymns are designed to inspire, and they do! By them, we acknowledge together “Faith is the victory.” And…

Counting the Cost#1. “If anyone wishes to come after Me” (Lk.9:23).

The ‘Mark of the Beast’ has always taken on new forms for new generations. Lately, talk of tracking devices being injected with the vaccines has begun. Admittedly, stories of 5-G technology coursing through everyone’s veins is more exciting than the belief that the 16 numbers on credit cards added up to 666 back in my day. The Book of Revelation is a powerful magnet. Its apocalyptic imagery has provoked fear and wonder (as it should) and caused many to consider…

Leadership#12. “Truth and Lies.”

UFOs were back in the news. The USA had recently released video footage of objects moving at speeds that defy possibility. Surprisingly, government officials and experts alike have expressed the belief that UFOs exist. What is the average person on the ground to believe? I don’t know. After all, this is typically the domain of Science Fiction movies and Alien Abductions stories. Truth and lies walk side by side on our road to eternity. Misinformation is nothing new. Simple deception…

Leadership#11. “Unity.”

Benjamin Franklin was under no illusions that independence from Britain, the greatest power on earth at the time, could only be achieved if all 13 American Colonies remained united. At the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Franklin had a stern warning for his fellow Revolutionaries: “We must, indeed, hang together or, most assuredly, we will all hang separately.” If disunity meant death for a nation, how much more for a congregation? At first glance, many conclude that…

Leadership#10. “Keeping your head.”

In World War II the Allied Forces dropped millions of leaflets designed to lower the morale of the Germans. Not everyone agreed on the efficacy of the effort. Pilots were put at risk during the dangerous drops, and citizens shot dead by the Germans if found with the leaflets. Quantifying the effectiveness of such psychological warfare may not be easy, but we must never minimise the hope it brought. Occupied citizens and prisoners of war drew strength and courage when…

Leadership#9. “Send in the Clowns.”

“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that’s just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it’s a joke.” ― Søren Kierkegaard The apostle Paul seized the opportunity to witness for Christ before Festus, King Agrippa and Bernice (Acts 26). All was well with his…

Leadership#8. “The Perfect Church.”

A leader who brags that he is in the perfect church is like the man who brags that he is in the perfect marriage—somebody else is doing the heavy lifting. The only thing perfect in the Church of Christ is the One for whom it is named. Otherwise, perfect churches, like perfect leaders, don’t exist. In practical terms, Christlike maturity is the closest thing to perfection that any of us will witness this side of heaven. If you have been…