Posts by John Staiger (Page 70)

Stepping up#1. “Not my talent!”

More than a few years ago, I found myself sitting before a man who presented one of the most impressive sermons I have ever heard. I sat there wondering why everyone had not heard of him. The audience was gripped by his wit and wisdom, and it was plain to see that standing in front of an audience was his talent. But sadly, I have not heard him preach since, and probably never will. For although preaching was his specialized…

I wish above all things#3. “Even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2).

If there were periods in our lifetime when people tried to hide their wealth, they are no more. The ‘unfortunate’ who have tumbled down the social ladder, have found themselves renting in suburbs that they once thought beneath them. But the ‘fortunate,’ those who have risen through the wage and salary ranks, have looked to the leafy suburbs and gated communities. Prosperity is known by zip codes, car makes and clothing brands. Soul-prosperity is easy to spot. The seven ‘deacons’…

I wish above all things#2. “Be in health” (3 John 2).

He will tell you that he once bragged, “I am the fittest 50-year-old in this church.” Sadly, only days later he was hit by a car while riding his 10-speed to work. After multiple surgeries and a long stay in the hospital, he went home to begin his slow journey back to full health. Thirteen years later the brother sports a slight limp and, praise the Lord, seems no worse for wear from his accident. If you have been among…

I wish above all things#1. “That thou mayest prosper” (3 John 2)

The blessing of one Christian is the blessing of all. I am a minimalist at heart. But you need not concern yourself by hiding stuff if I’m around; these things are not for me to judge. Our journey to heaven is made through a physical world with physical needs, and needs must be meet. Thus, we must prosper according to the responsibilities we are called to shoulder. That is why it is vital that we talk to the Lord and…

Defending your Faith#3. “Yet with gentleness and reverence” (1Pet.3:15).

New Zealand is hardly famous for promoting religious values. That’s not to say that it is a society devoid of all things Christian, it is that religion is not a big part of most Kiwi’s lives. All my life I have witnessed those who have publicly opposed ungodly changes being branded as “Religious nuts.” Ironically, those born and raised in NZ claiming to be agnostic will often shut down religious conversations with expressions that amount to: “I have my own…

Defending your Faith#2. “Ready to make a defence” (1Pet.3:15).

You could not pay me enough money to go on to a football field with professional players. Even if each player was instructed to avoid me, I know that the chances of me being in the wrong place at the wrong time is too great. I would likely come off battered, bruised, broken, and embarrassed. Why? Because I have no business being in an arena of contact sport in a state of total unpreparedness. Simply put, I am asking to…

Defending your Faith#1. “Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts” (1Pet.3:15).

I have seen saints fall to Satan. I have watched helplessly as Christians, old and young, have given into the lies of the prince of darkness. All of the prayers, all of the encouraging words, and all of the tears, proved useless against the choices made in favour of the evil one. Jesus did not give them what they wanted. The Bible presents the story of the struggle between good and evil. This is the battle for the soul. At…

All the Changes#6. “Unless you Change…!”

When was the last time you heard a ‘Hellfire and Brimstone Sermon’? I may have preached a few in my time, but very few in recent years. Whether I am right or wrong to avoid this style of preaching, I do not have a definite answer. What I do know is that Jesus didn’t clear the temple every time he went near it, nor did he say, “Woe unto you…!” to every Scribe and Pharisee he met. So, insisting that…

All the Changes#5. “An Unbelievable Transformation!”

What do you do when the staunchest enemy of Jesus wants to visit your church this Sunday? Saul of Tarsus, the ambitious Pharisee who hated Christians enough to approve their murder, was well known to the church. Now he claimed to be a Christian! If ever there was a day to skip services with a ‘cold’ it was the one when he was most likely to turn up. It didn’t matter that there were reports that Paul had become a…

All the Changes#4. “Changing the Past—Bitterness.”

Bitterness is a savage companion. Left to itself and it will drain your very last ounce of energy. How many good people have you witnessed travel the sad road from joy to misery over regrets and abuses? Friends, once animated and interactive, have long since lost their energy and vitality. There is no magic wand to erase the past. Hurt and broken lives bear the scars of things rather than forgotten. Self-medication is nothing new, it just the labels that…