Posts by John Staiger (Page 72)

Series: Running toward the Prize. #8. “For the joy set before Him” (Heb.12:2).

God, by His grace, has put opportunities for joy into the lives of everyone. Hearts swell with pride and hope on wedding days, and greater still is the elation over a newborn baby. Spirits are lifted when old friends reconnect amidst a flood of memories. Everyone rejoices when a plan comes together; especially after a hardship. God has designed human beings to enjoy the happiness of a life well-lived. The greatest tragedy happened when sin in The Garden of Eden…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #7. “Jesus, the Leader and Perfector of the faith” (Heb.12:2).

Every church claims to be a ‘church of Christ.’ Though they may go by other names, they all insist that their practices and beliefs originate in Christ’s teachings. In fact, every student of church history knows that almost all churches believe themselves to have been ‘reformed’ or ‘restored’ at one point or another over the last 2000 years. And, unsurprisingly, none of them sees their reformers, or restorers, as ‘adding to, or taking away, from scripture.’Calling yourself ‘The Church of…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #6. “We must keep our eyes on Jesus” (Heb.12:2).

No one ever won a prize for telling his readers to ‘go and look it up for themselves.’ However, space and time prevent me from listing the extremes of wealth that the king of Thailand owns and spends. This is a man who rules over a country where many families are so poor that they sell their children; many of them ending up in the hands of foreign paedophiles. How can a leader, in this day and age, be allowed…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #5. “The race that is set before us” (Heb.12:1).

“The Race” is about doing what God expects us to do between now and our last day on earth. I am perpetually amazed that Christians, who know better, can entertain the notion that “Salvation by grace” can be fully realized by saying “Jesus is Lord.” Proponents of the “Faith Only” doctrine will fight you tooth and nail on this point. Many passages contradict a “Faith Only” perspective, with this one being among them: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord,…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #4. “Let us run with endurance” (Heb.12:1).

Whatever happened to passion and determination? Are they still alive and well? The very fact that some speak of their extinction speaks volumes about where their focus is set. It is when we lose sight of these that we must question our own spiritual driving forces. Running toward the prize is not the same as having the prize in hand. Much energy may yet have to be expended between now and then. We are saved by grace, but that does…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #3. “The sin that so easily holds us back.”

The Lord’s church must be ever vigilant to instil a sense of personal accountability in matters of belief. When members rely completely upon that which is taught from the ‘front’ as their reason for believing, they will be in for some very rough sailing when challenged to defend their faith. When life-long Bible students – you and me – come to our group Bible studies armed with knowledge and understanding, we come as those who are taught of God. Such…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #2. “What’s holding you back?”

The Great Depression generation of the 1930s didn’t think as we do today. Jobs were few, money was in short supply, and resources expensive. Theirs was a make-do culture. Meals and clothes were made from that which was available and waste was not tolerated. Broken things were repaired and borrowed things were expected back. Those who lived to see it were horrified at the throw-away society of the last 40+ years. Those depression years affected the way they saw life…

Series: Running toward the Prize. #1. “You are surrounded!”

I have a friend in Zimbabwe who loves Formula One Racing. Lord willing, I will one day join him in the crowd. If his enthusiasm is anything to go by, then it is true what they say: “Grand Prix is electrifying.” As you know, in Formula One, ‘Pole Position’ (the racing car at the front of the starting grid) is the best place to be. No less than 40% of races are won from Pole Position. As much as it…

I walk with the King.#10. “

Out of Darkness and into the Light.”If you see ‘The Light,’ you must decide if you are willing to forfeit the pleasures of darkness to walk in it. Baptism purified you in God’s eyes, and it is for righteousness that you now live.Coming-and-going from the light is guaranteeing a miserable life. “For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (Eph.5:8). The Light of Christ in you, (and around you in…

I walk with the King.#9. “For God, King, and Country.”

It seems a million years since I heard my father tell stories from his service days in WWII (he passed away in 1973). These were strictly ‘stories from the good times.’ To this day the British Commonwealth motto: “For God, King, and Country” brings forth both pride and sadness in my heart. Dad, and so many others around the world, left home and country to ensure that tyranny would not invade our shores. I owe the freedoms I have enjoyed…