Posts by John Staiger (Page 98)

Seventy-eight—Son of Man

In the eyes of the religious leaders, Jesus signed his own death warrant at his trial. They demanded of him under oath: “Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God” (Mt.26:63). His reply was both emphatic and prophetic: “Yes, it is as you say. But…you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Mt.26:64). They cried: “Blaspheme…he is worthy of death” (Mt.26:65-66). Jesus…

Seventy-seven—Would Jesus drive an ‘Aston Martin 77’?

The ‘Aston Martin 77’ is so named because only 77 of them came off the production line. One of those 77 was written in Hong Kong, which leaves 76 in existence. One of these 2-seater, V12, 750 horsepower cars will only cost you $1.8 million. These days, you can’t have a religious conversation with a skeptic for too long without the subject of rich TV Evangelists coming up. Before their empires fell to immorality and greed, Jim Bakker took in…

Seventy-six—No hope without Life!

Religion is powerful and full of resources. Tragically, clever men work hard to exploit its riches. If there is an angle to be milked, someone somewhere is selling books, CDs, T-shirts and seminars for all its worth. Even the most genuine of souls can get caught up in religion’s money-go-round. It is very concerning when high profile Christian writers, entertainers or public figures leave the faith. It is to our shame that we do not warn each other that the…

Seventy-five—A nation forged in slavery

All of Jacob’s troubles melted away when he saw the sweet face of his long-lost son. Pharaoh’s second in command was greeted with tears of joy by his once broken-hearted dad. In Stephen’s historical-recap-sermon he recounts: “Then Joseph sent word and invited Jacob his father and all his relatives to come to him, seventy-five persons in all” (Acts 7:14). 430 years later that 75 left Egypt having become a nation of a few millions. The enslavement of God’s people caused…

Seventy-four—The Jesus Seminar

Back in the early 90s a group of 74 self-proclaimed Biblical ‘intellectuals’ came together to decide which of Jesus’ sayings were actually attributable to him. They chose 5 gospels to work from. Yes, 5. They had decided that ‘The Gospel of Thomas’ was as canonical as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. To cut a very long story short, here are some of the conclusions: 1. They decided that only 20% of Jesus’ sayings were authentic to him (with a good…

Seventy-three—Somewhat paraphrased

The ‘short-term thinking’ trap has a hair-trigger. The believer sees the happy, healthy, and prosperous unbeliever and wonders if the struggles of faith are worth it. Asaph wrote Psalm 73 as a ‘Them and Me’ song that lays out the details of this struggle. From the outset he acknowledges that THEY (the prosperous unbelievers) nearly got HIM (the believer) to lose his firm-faith-footing. The callous pride that made the wicked rich, started to look good to him. It was obvious…

Seventy-two—Hours to Freedom

“I want to stop smoking, but I’m not ready yet,” “I just wish I had the guts to get a divorce,” or “This job is killing me – I’ve got to get out of this place.” These were posed in a 2013 Psychology Today Magazine article as examples of dreams that can be attained through a 72 hour transformative programme. You can, according to the article, overcome ‘emotional inertia’—the gap between the idea of change and the action, if you…

Seventy-one—You gotta have this goal!

In 2005 Ellen MacArthur sailed around the world singlehandedly in 71 days. That’s about 51,000 kilometres of ocean travelled. And, yes, she took out the world record. On her arrival home to England she became the youngest recipient of the title: Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE), and was also granted the rank of Honorary Lieutenant Commander, Royal Naval Reserve. No mean feat. All this started as a child. Her aunt took her sailing and she…

Seventy—The Harvest is plentiful

Those ‘Door-knocking Campaigns’ were hard work. When approaching a door, you could usually expect a polite rejection in the form of a ‘I got me own religion,’ and though disappointed, it was far better than being detained by someone who had nothing better to do than waste your time. The seasoned campaigners that I had the privilege to work with were amongst the most dedicated soul seekers I ever met—Heaven will be a fuller place because of them. Jesus sent…

Sixty-nine—That Summer of ‘love.’

To an 8-year-old boy in Whakatane, New Zealand, Woodstock meant nothing. I had seen men walking down King Street with their girlfriends, sporting the Neill Young look—long hair, dirty jeans, leather jacket, and swagger, to boot. But the Beatles had already left their clean-cut look (much to my mother’s disgust), so nothing was new. Every Sociologist and Historian pegs the August 1969 music concert at Woodstock, New York, as either a sign of a social change, or the cause of…