Over the last 25 years I have gained more than 25 pounds. Nobody made me do it, it is all my own doing, and I must confess, I enjoyed every bite.But shedding some of those extra pounds has been no fun! Not only am I endeavouring to take the pounds off, but I am also waging war against the very appetites that helped me put them on.Food is just one of the passions that can get away on us.Youthful lusts go way beyond the obvious. What kid doesn’t want the adoration of the many through things such as sports or music—not to mention the money and the excitement. Escaping from the mundane is their number one priority.And let’s admit it, the last thing that our young people need is for old people to be dousing their dreams with their tales of woe and regret. More power to the adventure of youth!Despite popular opinion, youth actually can see the devastation in the broken lives around them. They long for meaning and direction but they do not always know where to look. Left unchecked, their passions will drive them to seek fulfilment in soul-destroying places. Too many adults live on in the consequences of their wayward youth.According to Jesus, the blessing of true satisfaction comes from craving righteousness. Christians live those blessed and satisfied lives for all to see. You love Jesus and all he stands for.When focusing and refocusing (the devil is ever obscuring your view), your desire is to please the Lord. You live a meaningful, integrated life. Your marriage is an example to behold, and your home a refuge with all things pure. You are a friend to the lonely and guide to the lost.Your find yourself yearning for the One who is your Righteousness, longing to see him face to face.Your life will never be easy, but it is victorious:“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Mt.5:6).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message, please feel free to: Like, Comment or Share it with your friends. (337)