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Church Blog (Page 108)

Day 65 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined CircumstanceS

“Enemy Snapshots.” Social media has a way of bringing your long-forgotten past into the present. Old photos appearing on Facebook of you (usually in group pictures) causing you to say out loud, “That’s not how I used to look!”? It’s the thought that everybody may frame that image as the total you of yesteryear is what gets you. Judging character by first impressions is an art-form that many claim to have perfected. “I’ve never been wrong, they brag.” The first…

Day 64 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“A pillar in the temple of My God.” When faith and life exist on two different tracks, both are heading for a train wreck. It’s the faith-integrated life that characterizes the men and women who are the pillars in our congregations. These are the permanent fixtures that uphold and keep us together. As the ‘fly by nighters’ come and go, leaving their trails of destruction strewn across the landscapes of our congregations, these brothers and sisters clean up and keep…

Day 63 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

‘On the other side of the sword.’ For many of us the transition into church life was gradual. Non-Christian friends and family may have reacted respectably but had their silent reservations. Some may have hoped that we might ‘get over it,’ some taking polite interest, some ignoring us, and some may have also become Christians. It is those with convictions contrary to the ones that we have converted to who will react adversely. Emotions can run high as irreconcilable differences…

Day 62 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

‘The Experiential-Lockdown.’ Contrary to popular belief, not all false teachers drive in limousines, fly in Lear Jets, or live in Hollywood mansions. They do not all promise you riches, problem-less days, and endless joy on the way to heaven. What all of them do have in common is an ability to get what they want by exciting your interest in their destructive teachings. Whether it be (and this is a shortlist) the prosperity gospel, the pseudo-science of theistic evolution, the…

Day 61 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“What do we have that we did not receive? Years ago, I went to an event which honoured a brother for his many years of work for the Kingdom of Christ. He had faithfully served God, church and family and was worthy of all that was said about him. His son, an effective speaker, had many good things to say about his dad. His speech was quietly powerful and full of emotion. At one point in his speech he began…

Day 60 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“Get to the back of the line.” I once asked my brother-in-law, Des Steyn, what he thought was the most valuable lesson that he learned during his time in the South African Army. He didn’t have to give it a second thought. He said, “Volunteer for nothing!” He did explain the reasons why, but to this day I can’t relate. The look on his face suggested that the problem was not so much being asked to be a hero who…

Day 59 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“I wonder what would happen?” Reality can seem hopeless at times. Touch times take their toll. Its these times that cause us to withdraw into ourselves. If we are not careful, we will erect emotional siege walls to keep all and everything out. Even God’s provisions are turned back at the gates of despair. It is in Christ that those walls can be breached, torn down and cleared away. Christ fills our hearts with hope. His saving grace sets our…

Day 58 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“When do things cease to matter?” An old lady used to tell her four sons, “If it isn’t going to matter 100 years from now, then its probably not worth worrying about.” Whether it made any difference to their stress levels, I know not, but it is worth thinking about. The apostle Paul was settled about the cares of this world. “Food and clothing” were all he needed (1Tim.6:8). Reluctantly, Paul conceded that life did get tough for him. He told…

Day 57 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances:

“Religion Determines Behaviour.” Much effort has gone into cultivating the belief that there is a difference between ‘A personal relationship with Christ and religion.’ Even the word ‘church’ has come under direct fire. It has become, in the eyes of many, synonymous with the evils of organised religion. A popular slogan of old, but still in vogue, goes: “Give me Jesus, but not the church!” Our society’s push towards individualism has encouraged this divide. Once upon a time it was…

Day 56 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances

“Worthy of your calling.” “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,” (Ephesians 4:1). When a soldier is dishonourably discharged, he is considered to have brought shame upon himself, the military, and the country he serves. There is an understanding that the behaviour causing his removal was such that his presence would no longer be tolerated. He is no longer able to serve because…