Church Blog (Page 114)
Day 9 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance
YHWH’s command was enough! I have no idea what was going through the mind of Abraham as he was leading his son to slaughter. YHWH’s command was enough! He wasn’t about to question the wisdom of his God. With Job he would simply exclaim, “the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” (Job 1:21). I, for one, do not want to ever be tested like this. My fear of failure is as…
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Day 8 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances
The Necessaries of LifeAdmit it. Doomsday Preppers are having their day in the sun. While the hoi polloi were stacking their trolleys high in supermarket raids, Preppers Sam and Mable Smith were sitting on a basement full of…well, everything! No one wants to undergo any form of deprivation. It’s natural to want to be surrounded by the necessaries of life, and even more so to make sure you are not going to run out. Jesus disciples went into town to…
Day 7 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances
Time—It’s telling you a story. Time marches on! No man can stay its steps or slow its pace. This Lock-Down, too, is caught up in its momentum. Time’s path is a series of steppingstones. Each stone being a moment of time – one moment being laid down in front of the last into eternity. It’s the wise that add goodness to each moment. Caleb knew that value. He boasted that he was as strong at 85 as he had been…
1 Corinthians 1 – Wednesday 01-04-2020
Continuing our 1 Corinthians Bible Class. Post Views: 386
Day 6 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances
Music is powerful. If your heart is breaking by the end of Tracy Chapman’s song, ‘Fast car,’ and all your emotions driven along by Queens’, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ and your spirits lifted by Neil Dimond’s, ‘Sweet Caroline,’ then I am speaking to you. Our worship music is designed to drive these same emotions…and more. In fact, God has designed even greater things – music for the soul that longs to walk with the Lord. Our ‘Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’ issue…
Day 5 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances
Ecclesiastes is raw. Its issues are cut to the bone and exposed to the harsh light of ‘Life under the Sun.’ Daily routines and schemes are subjected to the elements of time, chance, and cause and effect. I have always felt better to preach that this was Solomon’s last will and testament. A legacy of plain speaking to future generations who might foolishly follow his example into the futility of excess. All the things that men long for were on-tap…
Day 4 The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances
John the baptiser was a solitary man. Being confined to a suburban neighbourhood was not for him. However, he didn’t start his life in the wilderness avoiding clothing outlets and looking for beehives for dinner. He was a miracle baby. The son of aged parents. His dad a priest. Brought up in the faith of the One true God amidst the holy practices of the temple. Everyone within earshot of his birth announcement, or the day he was named ‘John,’…
Day 3.The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstances:
If Jonah was claustrophobic, he was out of luck. You would think a man of God who had his levels of faith would just do what God told him to do. However, great faith doesn’t necessarily issue forth in great acts of obedience. Nineveh was a no-go zone for this prophet. If preaching in Nineveh meant salvation for the wicked Assyrians, then Jonah was sailing in the opposite direction. And that he did. No one anymore believes that God deliberately…
The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to the Confined Circumstances Day 2
The Lock-Down—Bringing Hope to the Confined CircumstancesDay 2. In Jeremiah 38, the prophet Jeremiah found himself at the bottom of a well – sunk down and up to his armpits in mud. We can’t be sure of what else may have been down there, whether vermin, insect or rubbish, but we do know that he had neither food nor water to sustain him. His days were numbered. King Zedekiah’s cronies had lowered Jeremiah down into the well by ropes in…