Church Blog (Page 116)
Gem’s Baptism
Right now the angels are working overtime with the amount of rejoicing that is going on in heaven, our congregation has been truly blessed with another baptism. On Saturday Gem Neil was baptised at Point Chevalier by her father Allan it was an amazing afternoon and one that encourages us all. With Gem being only 13 years old she recognised that Christ is all that matters in her life. Welcome to the church family Gem! Post Views: 445
Today at our beloved Morning Side Church we hosted a baby shower for 5 adorable newborns. In total was Aria, Harper, Georgia Rose, Savannah Raine and the only boy Kizan Job. Our church today welcomed theses amazing new babies, after our lovely minister John Staiger had a sermon on being a parent. We watched the parents play games while their small children watched with eyes filled with curiosity and joy. Food was supplied by the amazing Christians of our church,…
Dorothea’s Baptism
All the angels are rejoicing after the baptism of Dorothea “Fia” Zabawski. Fia was baptised by her husband Iashu at Jerry and Lorina’s pool in Te Atatu. Iashu had been studying with Fia for quite some time, as Fia pointed out “there had been some arguments, there were times when they just had to agree to disagree and some times they just did not talk to each other”. I guess that’s what happens when you study with your husband, in…