Church Blog (Page 71)
Stepping up#7. “Not my Fault!”
When I want to add a driver’s name to my third-party car insurance, they seem to only have one question for me: “Is the licenced driver under 25 years of age?” I am assured that this act of legal discrimination is based on science. It is reasoned that the average boy’s brain is not sufficiently developed before the age of 25 for him to be trusted to drive without taking unreasonable risks. Thus, for me, the excess payment is $300,…
Stepping up#6. “Not my Preacher!”
All my heroes are preachers. Men I have looked to for strength and inspiration since my teens. None of them perfect, but all of them easily recognisable as “having been with Jesus (Acts 4:13). I still marvel at their understanding of God’s Word and am humbled at their faith during the toughest of times. No one raises their son to be the most hated man in the church. But the men I know would rather wear that title than compromise…
Stepping up#5. “Not my Scene!”
If I am not at church, give me a call. Fear not, doing so will not make you an ‘Attendance Policeman.’ Not that I have come across too many of them in recent years. Those are the guys who have Hebrews 10:25 tattooed on the inside of their eyelids. They seek out reasons to correct, accuse, and abuse anyone who might contravene their interpretation of the passage. However, it is not so much their interpretation of the passage that concerns…
Stepping up#4. “Not my Thing!”
The prophet Amos had the unenviable job of delivering prophecies of wrath and gloom upon Israel and its surrounding nations. When in the town of Bethel, Amaziah, the local priest confronted him. He accused him of peddling his prophetic wares for profit and told him to go back to where he came from. Amos informed him that he didn’t have much say in his mission, insisting: “I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet; for…
Stepping up#3. “Not my Problem!”
Having misplaced my debit card, I decided to retrace my steps. My first stop was the gas station. The guy there reached into a drawer, produced a fist full of credit cards, and asked me inane questions as he flicked through the pile. However, his fascination with the abandoned cards seemed to trump any desire to find an owner for any of them. I couldn’t spot mine, and he couldn’t care—It was not his problem. My second stop was Kmart.…
Stepping up#2. “Not my job!”
I love the old preacher story about Jim, a guy who became so downhearted that he couldn’t motivate himself to do anything. So, out of sheer boredom he decided to end it all by jumping off a nearby bridge. His friend, Tom, who had become suspicious, followed Jim, and jumped into the river after him to save him. Neither man had thought things through. Jim didn’t factor in his excellent swimming skills, and Tom didn’t factor in his complete inability…
Stepping up#1. “Not my talent!”
More than a few years ago, I found myself sitting before a man who presented one of the most impressive sermons I have ever heard. I sat there wondering why everyone had not heard of him. The audience was gripped by his wit and wisdom, and it was plain to see that standing in front of an audience was his talent. But sadly, I have not heard him preach since, and probably never will. For although preaching was his specialized…
I wish above all things#3. “Even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2).
If there were periods in our lifetime when people tried to hide their wealth, they are no more. The ‘unfortunate’ who have tumbled down the social ladder, have found themselves renting in suburbs that they once thought beneath them. But the ‘fortunate,’ those who have risen through the wage and salary ranks, have looked to the leafy suburbs and gated communities. Prosperity is known by zip codes, car makes and clothing brands. Soul-prosperity is easy to spot. The seven ‘deacons’…
I wish above all things#2. “Be in health” (3 John 2).
He will tell you that he once bragged, “I am the fittest 50-year-old in this church.” Sadly, only days later he was hit by a car while riding his 10-speed to work. After multiple surgeries and a long stay in the hospital, he went home to begin his slow journey back to full health. Thirteen years later the brother sports a slight limp and, praise the Lord, seems no worse for wear from his accident. If you have been among…
I wish above all things#1. “That thou mayest prosper” (3 John 2)
The blessing of one Christian is the blessing of all. I am a minimalist at heart. But you need not concern yourself by hiding stuff if I’m around; these things are not for me to judge. Our journey to heaven is made through a physical world with physical needs, and needs must be meet. Thus, we must prosper according to the responsibilities we are called to shoulder. That is why it is vital that we talk to the Lord and…