Bulletin (Page 2)

Bulletin – 3 January 2021

In the Light of the Cross Faith comes by Hearing In my youth I worked with a tradesman who used to dismiss my preaching about ‘the one true church’ as ‘the idealism of the naïve.’ He would counter, “God has different kinds of fellowships for different kinds of people. If you like your worship loud, or soft, or liberal, or tight-laced, rich or poor, God has a church for you.” Of course, he didn’t believe his own words, this was…

Bulletin – 13 September 2020

Three Captains of Fifty – All they had to do was ask. In 2 Kings 1 we find Elijah’s encounter with King Ahaziahand his three Captains of Fifty. Ahaziah was crippled byrecent injures and sent men to consult a pagan god. Elijahintercepted his messengers and sent them back with aquestion and a judgement: “Is it because there is no God inIsrael that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the godof Ekron? Therefore, this is what the Lord says: ‘You…

Bulletin – 30 August 2020

To this day Ethiopia remembers the evangelist Philip asthe man of God who preached the gospel to their firstconvert. We know him as the Ethiopian eunuch fromActs 8. This man was the treasurer of Queen Candaceand a proselyte (a non-Jew who had converted to theHebrew faith). My guess is that it was a prayer forinsight into the Messianic passage (Isaiah 53) thatbrought Philip (sent by God) to his chariot to explain thepassage to him. If you seek you will find!…

Bulletin – 23 August 2020

There’s a story about a preacher boy who was invited toa dinner for the old-timers who had long graced thelocal pulpits. Having been warned that the length oftheir sermons and prayers were legendary, the youngpreacher set in for a long day. It was during the ratherlengthy prayer of thanks for the food that he could nolonger contain himself. Seeing all the grey heads bowedresolutely around the table, the young preacher quietlytook to his seat and began to devour the food…

Bulletin – 31 May 2020

Morningside is a Great Church This morning I would like to say, “Welcome back to the Morningside church,” but we never really left. Though we were away from each other in body, we were always together in spirit. Social distancing doesn’t mean spiritual distancing. That being said, it is truly a blessing to be able to worship face to face, today. Though not everyone is here, we look forward to the day when we are all together again—soon, I pray.

Bulletin – 03 May 2020

The Armour of God – Brent Kercheville (Member of West Palm Beach, Church of Christ) Continued from last week … The Scriptures teach us what the righteous life looks like. Reading the Scriptures with an open heart will bring about the transformation of heart that leads to a transformed life in holiness. Ephesians 6:15 records the third piece ofarmour given to us. “…as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:15…

Bulletin – 26 April 2020

The Armour of God Brent Kercheville (Member of West Palm Beach, Church of Christ)Morningside Church of Christ 42 Leslie Avenue, Auckland, NZ Tel. (+64-9) 849-2647 Minister: John Staiger 020-403-19893 johnstaiger1@gmail.comwww.morningsidechurchofchrist.org.nzContinued from last week … In Ephesians 6:14-20 the apostle Paul details the various pieces of armour we need to wear that will be the strength of the Lord in our lives. Paul told us that we need every piece of armour to be able to stand. Therefore, each piece of…

Bulletin – 19 April 2020

The Armour of God Brent Kercheville (Member of West Palm Beach, Church of Christ)Morningside Church of Christ 42 Leslie Avenue, Auckland, NZ Tel. (+64-9) 849-2647 Minister: John Staiger 020-403-19893 johnstaiger1@gmail.comwww.morningsidechurchofchrist.org.nzIn Ephesians chapter 6, Paul talks about the full armour of God and in verse 12 he says that our struggle is against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. We get glimpses of this battle a few…

Bulletin – 12 April 2020

The Armour of GodBrent Kercheville(Member of West Palm Beach, Church of Christ) The life in Christ with our new identity, as a chosen people, cannot belived without a spiritual battle. This is the first takeaway we mustconsider as we approach Paul’s instructions. We are in a spiritualbattle. It is an unavoidable battle when we find our identity in Christ.Paul says that we need to be strengthened by God to be ready for thisbattle. “Be strong in the Lord and in…