Bulletin (Page 3)

Bulletin – 5 April 2020

Christ is the hope. “Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by thecommandment of God our Saviour, and Lord JesusChrist, which is our hope” (1 Timothy 1:1).Christ is the only hope! Hope is wanting somethinggood and having reason to expect it. Solomon said,“The righteous hath hope in his death” (Proverbs14:32). In other words, the righteous person wantssomething good in death and has reason to expectit. What possible good could come at death? Onlyone thing, and that is Christ. Philippians 1: 21,23said:…

Bulletin 15-03-2020

Finding Peace In The Storms Of Life By Mike Riley During a terrible storm on the ocean, a small passenger ship rolled precariously in the roaring tempest. The furniture and anything else that could move was tied down, and the passengers were confined to their bunks for their own safety. Many on board thought the vessel was doomed. Finally, a passenger who was determined to find out if there was any hope for survival, set out to see the one…

Bulletin 08-03-2020

Casting Away Our Fears Derek Broome You do not know it’s coming until it already has you. Once it has you, it is hard to get away. It’s the spine tingling, nerve shaking, heart racing kind of fear. It’s the kind of fear that haunts you in the night and makes you feel like there is no light. Such fear rocks you to your core until you cannot take it anymore. This is your greatest fear

Bulletin 01-03-2020

We all get caught up in the process of daily living, and it’s easy to be distracted from what is important. There are so many things going on around us and many of them involve us. We have to make time for God. David was a great example of someone who made quality time to spend alone with God. So many of the Psalms are heart-warming because they are personal and because they are praises to God. David didn’t pen…

Bulletin 02-02-2020

The Bible is Not “Just a Book” Can we live without hope? The Bible, which speaks of good news, is a collection or writings that were written over a period of 1,500 years. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible (starting with Genesis), and John wrote the last (Revelation) in AD 96. Throughout the Bible a unique thread of hope is interwoven – Jesus was the promised hope of the Old Testament, He came to earth and died…

Bulletin 26-01-2020

Answered Prayer “[A]nd My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Many times, the world likes to think that God is Who they want Him to be, and that can prevent them from being who He wants them to be. An example is their idea of prayer. They…

Bulletin 19-01-2020

Stimulating and Encouraging Have you ever tried doing something, especially something challenging and difficult, without any encouragement? It’s not much fun and it can end up being really discouraging, can’t it? That’s exactly how God has created us, to work and be together! As God created this world and all living things, He pronounced each part of His creation as “good” (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31). But Genesis chapter 2 backs up a bit and reviews God’s…

Bulletin 12-01-2020

God has blessed us with new members. Renee, Reese and Nikka Marks are from the Lord’s church in Cape Town, South Africa, but have come to Morningside via the Wellington church. Welcome to Morningside.

Bulletin 05-01-2020

God Said it First It is truly amazing to realize how much impact the Bible has had on our language and the things we say. Whenever I hear someone “knowingly” expound on how uninspired and useless God’s written word is to people today I find their ignorance appalling. Why? Because of the sheer number of words and phrases that only exist in our English language because of God and His word! Recently a publication by members of the Lord’s church…