Lockdown (Page 5)

Day 24 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance:

“Youth is wasted on the young!” Who wants to sit around and talk about getting old? Not me! But the problem is that there was a price to be paid for those wonderful years spent raising kids from babyhood to adulthood—your youth. No, not your 16 and bulletproof years, the ones after that. When you had enough sense to negotiate people and problems without your mother sitting at home wondering if you are still alive (I guess, I’m talking like…

Day 23 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

“When in Rome…” Have you ever been to Rome? I am told that it is worth visiting. The city that gave its name to the expression, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” was once the epicentre of civilization. Being Roman was to have made it. And, as they say, ‘If you could make it there, you could make it anywhere!’ The smart person was the person who learned the language, appreciated the music, donned the fashion, loved the…

Day 22 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

Bringing hope – whether the people knew it, or not! I attended a funeral a few years ago. My preacher friend’s mother had died and he felt honoured to conduct the service. His siblings had specifically asked that no religious references be made during the service ‘whatsoever.’ He dutifully carried out his family’s wishes, but for one deviation into a ‘grey area.’ He said, “I would like to read the lyrics of a famous song from 1965 by a group…

Day 21 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

Wedding Invitations (Part 2.) ‘Look who’s not coming to Dinner, too!’ Everybody was slaughtered by the end of the first half of Jesus’ wedding banquet story (Matthew 22). The second half starts very well for all the ‘last-minute fresh-list’ invitees, but turns violet in the middle for one inappropriately dressed man, and ends with a generic warning designed to leave everyone worried – that’s if they haven’t been listening. Today’s cries for soft soap doesn’t wash in Jesus’ story sermons.…

Day 20 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

Wedding Invitations (Part 1.) ‘Look who’s not coming to Dinner.’ Jesus told a story about a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son (Matthew 22). Palace couriers hand-delivered invitations to those on the guest list, but they refused to attend. To make sure that everyone on the list knew that everything was cooked and ready, he dispatched a second wave of messengers. Again, the guests ignored the invitation and went about their business; some taking the time to…

Day 19 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

What’s there to be thankful about? A lot of work goes into those church Family Games Nights. The final game at some of ours consisted of a ‘present-pick-and-exchange’ game. On one such night the best wrapped present was the last to be chosen—a late entry. Lots of voices rose as the last guy went to get his prize. Most waving their opened gifts, hoping he would swap his ‘box of hope’ for their unwanted wares. Over the din, and since…

Day 18 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

“If you preached like that…” “Chris Miller gives a good sermon” is one of the many compliments I have heard about Chris’ preaching over the years. He has preached at Morningside on a number of occasions, and has always been well received. About 13 years ago he came to preach for us and, as usual, he did a good job. In the van, on the way home from church, my kids were giving their weekly commentary on the Sunday morning’s…

Day 17 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

They Don’t Come Better Than This… King Saul warned his son about David: “As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send someone to bring him to me, for he must die!” (1Sam.20:31). Jonathan loved David. He had chosen to believe that his father’s psychotic episodes would not cost David his life. He had been naïve but now that Saul’s paranoia had overflowed to the point where even…

Day 16 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

Plot-holes. Recently, I watched the movie, “A Quiet Place.” It was worth the watch. But it did leave me with some questions about its plot. Some of my movie loving friends might be asking me at this point, “Why are you criticising a $20 million film that made $340 million in revenue?” and that is a fair question. So, I’ll try not to ruin the story for anyone. But be warned, a plot-hole does exist, and you might want to…

Day 15 The Lock-Down. Bringing Hope to Confined Circumstance

What a Pain! Have you ever been in pain and felt as if nobody understands? To my shame, I have to admit that I was one of those people who couldn’t always relate to your suffering. You would think that having bronchitis at 10 years old, fracturing my left metacarpal at 16, and ripping a tendon in my right leg at 17 would have given me a reasonably good definition of pain—not so! Despite these episodes of extreme discomfort (the…