“Religion Determines Behaviour.”
Much effort has gone into cultivating the belief that there is a difference between ‘A personal relationship with Christ and religion.’ Even the word ‘church’ has come under direct fire. It has become, in the eyes of many, synonymous with the evils of organised religion. A popular slogan of old, but still in vogue, goes: “Give me Jesus, but not the church!” Our society’s push towards individualism has encouraged this divide. Once upon a time it was only the fringe elements that encouraged people to find the church of their choice. Today, even the Lord’s Church has dozens of ‘boutique’ fellowships associated with it (to one degree or another). The claim is that the core beliefs are maintained, but the name (church of Christ), leadership structure and worship style are considered optional according to their value in aiding the process of outreach. I’m sure that amidst the widening divisions in Christianity, we all agree on at least one thing—Your core beliefs define your religion!
The myth is, of course, that we all have the same set of core beliefs. If that were so, we would all look and sound the same in our teachings and practices. In fact, that is becoming less so with each new generation. I believe that a time of religious revival is long overdue. If I am right, then we will see a reboot of ‘traditional Christian values.’ People will return to church, and religion will shake its unpopular name for a season. Amidst this wider group, the Lord’s church will either lead or follow, thrive or atrophy. That which will determine our future, revival or not, is “Our Religion.” Whether it is truly of Christ, or a corrupted lookalike.
James tells us exactly what a ‘personal relationship with Christ’ looks like: “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:26-27). Yes, Religion Determines Behaviour! Let’s make sure ours is true and undefiled.