“I wonder what would happen?”
Reality can seem hopeless at times. Touch times take their toll. Its these times that cause us to withdraw into ourselves. If we are not careful, we will erect emotional siege walls to keep all and everything out. Even God’s provisions are turned back at the gates of despair. It is in Christ that those walls can be breached, torn down and cleared away. Christ fills our hearts with hope. His saving grace sets our sights on heaven. Our daily lives are filled with worshipful acts—praise for God’s generosity, forgiveness reflecting his, joy received and shared. Seeing the best in people becomes a fine art and giving the benefit of the doubt a given. God takes us where we are and transforms us through His Word and providence. We automatically want that for each other. That providence is full of good and godly brothers and sisters who help us along the way to maturity. There, in turn, comes a time when we take total responsibility for the affect we have on others. Our interactions with saints and sinners alike are not necessarily deliberate acts, calculated to manipulate (even with the best of motives) others to come closer to God, but instead are natural expressions that come forth from a Spirit-filled life. The more we walk in the Spirit the more Christ-like we become.
The fruit of the Spirit grows within us and is seen by all. We become encouragers of all that is good, truth-tellers in all conversations, peacemakers in all conflicts, and hard-workers in all good deeds done. There also comes a time when we must lift up our hearts, no matter what our personal circumstances, and realise that our circumstances are not to dictate certain aspects of our Christian walk. Worship, fellowship, sanctification and outreach are all-weather duties. I wonder what would happen if we all took a day to lift every member of our congregations up in prayer. Praying that all of us add goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance godliness, brotherly kindness and love to our lives? I really don’t have to wonder, do I? “For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2Pet.1:8).