“A pillar in the temple of My God.”
When faith and life exist on two different tracks, both are heading for a train wreck. It’s the faith-integrated life that characterizes the men and women who are the pillars in our congregations. These are the permanent fixtures that uphold and keep us together. As the ‘fly by nighters’ come and go, leaving their trails of destruction strewn across the landscapes of our congregations, these brothers and sisters clean up and keep on going. They’re not going anywhere. With Peter they can only answer, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Glory seeking has long since left the building. With John the Baptizer they will see their days crying, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Hospitality is their secret weapon for evangelism, hospitality is their secret weapon for faith-building, hospitality is their secret weapon for peace-making, in fact, hospitality is their secret weapon for hospitality—you know their dining rooms well. When Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:14), they said, “Thank you, Lord, may I be worthy.” Since Paul told them to “pray without ceasing” (1Thess.5:17), they have never stopped. The Bible is up-front and centre in their spiritual walk. Everything is fact-checked before taken as gospel. After all, this is the seed they are sowing, the water that brings life. Holy words that issue forth holy acts of worship. I know some brethren who would say that they have known a few good people like this. It is true that some are easier to spot than others. But over my nearly 43 years as a Christian, I have known an army of them. They have endured, and they will endure to the end. Jesus has a personal message for them to keep until that day: “He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God” (Rev.3:12).