Dealing to Fear

Dealing to Fear

In my youth, on one of my many hitchhiking adventures, I was picked up by a very well-presented guy in his early twenties. I remember him well. He was well-spoken, down to earth, and a skilled conversationalist. He obviously enjoyed getting to know people. He paused amidst one of our chats, casually leaned forward, reached into the glove box, and brought out what looked like a fully extended switchblade knife.Now, I would love to say that all those Bruce Lee movies had prepared me for this moment, but they hadn’t. My heart pounded inside my chest like a fist trying to smash out of my ribcage; the rest of me froze in place. I was so stunned that I think he could have quite easily have just reached over and sent me on to my reward without a sound.Instead, he took the knife, pushed the point into his car tape player and out popped a cassette. He smiled and said, “My mother borrowed my car, and she got heavy with the eject button.”As much as fear is an excellent warning system, it can cause you to imagine things that aren’t even there.Pity the person who is forever feeling boxed in by worries and fears, it is not an enviable existence. That is the time to place all your problems in the prayer queue. Write them down on separate pieces of paper, lay them out on the floor, get down on your knees and put a tick through each of them as you pray them out loud. The extra effort helps you to clarify the issues. When you start asking God if these concerns are important in His will for your life, it is amazing how the mess of the mundane is quickly cleared from the scene. Don’t get me wrong, danger is ever present! The devil is on the job. But danger doesn’t necessitate fear. Jesus fills our hearts with love. “We love because he first loved us” (1Jn4:19). “There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear” (1Jn.4:18).John StaigerIf you have been blessed by this message: Like, Comment or Share.(301)


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