Divine Outlook#10. “This is my beloved Son; listen to him!” (Mark 9:7).

Divine Outlook#10. “This is my beloved Son; listen to him!” (Mark 9:7).

Madman or Messiah? Neutrality is not an option.

Western society, built on a Biblical foundation, is crumbling under the weight of its idols. Along with unbridled consumerism, the religion of “science” presently outweighs the commandments of Christ as society’s supreme authority.

Unless revival sweeps our lands, it is safe to say that there is more hope for China and the other nations that actively resist Christ.

The West is ambivalent to the Bible’s place in its laws, family values and church influence. So, can we expect a fate better than that of the church in Laodicea whom Jesus told: “Because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth”? (Rev.3:16).

I had a Bible teacher whose favourite saying at the time was, “It’s like putting cold cream on cancer.” He applied the saying to those who had rejected the teachings of Jesus for denominational teachings. It was a very sad day for me when I heard that he had chosen to follow the very false teachers that he had previously rebuked in the name of Divine Scripture.

The crowds following Jesus would have been shocked to hear him expose most of the religious leaders of his day as blind guides (Mt.15:14) and under the influence of Satan (Jn.4:44). Likewise, most today would be shocked to hear that Jesus’ teachings continue to expose most of the religious leaders of our day as blind guides and under the influence of Satan.

Teaching the commandments of men as if they were the doctrines of God (Mt.15:9) is nothing new.

Each one of us stands as a judge of that which is real and that which is fiction. If Christ was “just another man,” then he is to be dismissed as a madman. But if he is “The Son of God,” then he is to be listened to for who he is: “The Messiah.”

John Staiger