Doers of the Word#2 “Evangelism.”

Doers of the Word#2 “Evangelism.”

When I became a Christian, I was surrounded by seasoned soul-winners.

Their Evangelistic Methods were simple: They did whatever was needed to bring a lost soul to Christ.

They also made deliberate efforts to take the gospel to strangers in the neighbourhoods and nearby towns. Leaflets inviting people to church and/or offering Free Bible Correspondence Courses were hand delivered into letterboxes by the thousands. A practice that is probably underutilized today given that precious souls have been won as a result.

Those old Door-knocking Campaigns were not for the faint at heart. If I get to heaven and see those Campaigners living in the best mansions, I will not complain. They have my eternal respect. A new wave of ‘Friendship Evangelism’ was encouraged in the 1990s. When you consider the fear that the classic door-to-door campaign struck into the hearts of the new generation, you can see why there were great efforts to emphasis a Friend-to-Friend approach to evangelism. Again, eternal blessings be upon those who made it work.

The most evangelistic people I know today have long since given up talking about it. They just do it! Opinions may vary on the efficacy of particular evangelistic methods; however, the tragic fact remains that souls are lost and dying without Jesus.

The church is all about sowing and watering The Seed—The Gospel. It is God who gives the increase.The Great Commission is for all of us. A call to tell the Good News of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to the whole world.Prayer is our starting point and that which connects us to our sustaining Power. Jesus is with us always.

*Pray for love for the lost.

*Pray for courage to speak to them about faith in Jesus and his church.

*Pray for wisdom to speak only the truth from the Bible—be prepared.

*Pray for compassion to persevere when rejected.

*Pray for endurance when persecuted.

*Pray that you never forget that this is God’s way to build that which is HIS—The church of Christ

.Being ‘Doers of the Word’ means wanting what God wants: “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16).

John Staiger

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